Where are you based out of answer?

Where are you based out of answer?

“Based out of” often suggests that the subject maintains a headquarters or home office in the given location, but spends a majority or other significant amount of time working in other locations; “based in” suggests that the subject works in the given location most of the time.

Where is it based meaning?

used to form adjectives showing the main place or area in which something or someone works, lives, or does business: a Manchester-based company.

Are you based out of Bangalore meaning?

“Based out of” often suggests that the person maintains a headquarters or home office at the given location, but spends a most or significant amount of time working at other locations; whereas “based in” suggests that the person works at the given location most of the time.

Where are u based?

You’re based in the permanent place where you live now. The idea of being ‘based’ somewhere is used mainly by people who travel for their work. You might say that you are based in London, because that is where you live for most of the time and that’s where your family live and where your company’s Head Office is.

How do you use based in?

George lives in New York, or his company’s office is in New York, but his work takes him to various places. As for “based,” a person or a business can be based in New York. To say that one is based out of New York seems to mean that the person or business is located somewhere other than in New York.

What does US based mean?

“based” is most commonly used as a designation of where a international business has it headquarters. It can also be used for an individual who works internationally but returns to america between jobs. Apple and Google and Coca Cola can alternatively be called American Companies or American-based companies.

What’s another word for based on?

What is another word for based on?

based upon based off of
drew on established on
formed on formulated on
gleaned from predicated on
reached from assumed from

Is based from correct?

Only “based on” is correct and acceptable; this phrasal verb is used to relate something to a circumstance, situation, or supposition, as in “Many successful movies are based on popular comics serials.” It’s not idiomatic at all to use “based from,” and the use of this phrasal verb will normally be considered improper …

Can you say based off of?

While it’s more common to say that something is “based on” something else—as in “The movie is based on a book”—people increasingly say “based off” or “based off of”: “The movie is based off (of) a book.” “Based off” isn’t wrong, but it’s relatively new, and is likely to sound wrong to some people.

What is the difference between Based off and based on?

The short version: “based off of” is slang. Use “based on” instead. The phrase “based on” means exactly what users of “based off of” think they are saying, but if a thing is “off of” something, it’s not on a base, so “based off of” makes no sense. …

How do you use the word based on in a sentence?

He was awarded a scholarship based on his marks in high school. Her skill as a teacher is based on her understanding of young people. Your final grade will be partly based on your performance on the standardized tests. His argument was based on facts.

Is based a preposition?

The phrase “based on” is widely used as an adverb or preposition by native speakers of English, and some style authorities do not consider its use in these roles a serious error.

Can I start a sentence with based on?

Do not start a sentence with due to or based on. Use because of or on the basis of instead. Due to and based on create adjectival phrases.

Is off of grammatically correct?

says: “The compound preposition off of is generally regarded as informal and is best avoided in formal speech and writing: He stepped off (not off of) the platform.” The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language has an extensive discussion of prepositions followed by prepositional phrases.

What means base off?

off base. Wrong, relying on a mistaken premise, as in His description of the accounting system was totally off base. This metaphoric term originated in baseball, where a runner who steps off a base can be put out. [

What is 3rd base?

Getting to first base (recorded in the 1920s) involves kissing and caressing. Second base (recorded in the 1930s) involves sexual contact above the waist. Third base (recorded in the 1940s) involves sexual contact below the waist. A home run is intercourse.