
What words start with double letters?

What words start with double letters?

Words That Start With Double Letters

aardvark eerie eek
eel llama ooh
oops ooze oozing

What word has 3 double letters in a row?


What are some words that have double consonants?

Double Consonant

Word Length Syllables
Kindness 8 2
Syllable 8 3
Puppy 5 2
Irregular 9 4

Why do words have double letters?

Doubling to Protect the Vowel. Now for the second part: consonants are double to “protect” the short vowel for words ending in consonant+le or consonant+y. Think of words like “apple” and “happy”. Double letters are added in these cases because consonant+le and consonant+y endings are syllables on their own.

What is the meaning of double letters?

1 : ligature. 2 : a letter written on two sheets and requiring double postage.

What is the 111 rule?

The 1-1-1 Rule Here’s what it says: Words of one syllable (1) ending in a single consonant (1) immediately preceded by a single vowel (1) double the consonant before a suffixal vowel (-ing, -ed) but not before a suffixal consonant (-tion).

What is the floss rule?

When a one-syllable word ends in f, l, or s, double the final f, l, or s (for example, snif, fall, mess). We call this the floss spelling rule because the word floss follows this rule and includes the letters f, l, and s to help us remember the rule. • There are some exceptions to this rule (for example if, pal, has).

What is the doubling up rule?

What Is the Doubling Up Rule? The doubling up rule states that, when adding a vowel suffix (e.g., “-ing” or “-ed”) to a single-syllable word that ends with one vowel followed by one consonant, we should double the final consonant. For instance, “dig” gains an extra “g” when changed to “digging.”

What are the rules of doubling a final consonant?

Doubling consonants in single-syllable words When adding suffixes to one-syllable words, it’s helpful to follow the CVC rule. CVC stands for “consonant, vowel, consonant.” When the last three letters of a one-syllable word follow the CVC pattern, the last consonant should be doubled when adding the ending.

What are the 7 syllables?

There are 7 types of syllables that occur in all words of the English language. Every word can be broken down into these syllables. These 7 syllables include: closed, open, magic e, vowel teams, r-controlled, dipthongs and consonant le.