What words start with CE?

What words start with CE?

Study the word list: Words starting with ce

cease The troop of soldiers were told to cease fire immediately.
celery He doesn’t like celery in a salad.
central The bank was fairly central in the city.
celebrity He followed celebrity news.
cement We use a bucket for mixing our cement.

What are CE words?

11-letter words that start with ce

  • certificate.
  • centerpiece.
  • centrifugal.
  • certifiable.
  • centripetal.
  • cementation.
  • centenarian.
  • ceremonious.

What are words that start with C to describe someone?

Adjectives Starting with C to Describe a Person

  • calculated.
  • callous.
  • calm.
  • cambodian.
  • cambrian.
  • candid.
  • cantankerous.
  • capable.

What are some verbs that start with C?

English Verbs Starting with C

Verb Simple Past Past Participle
to cadge cadged cadged
to cage caged caged
to cajole cajoled cajoled
to calcify calcified calcified

What are some adjectives that describe a person?

Personality: ambitious, sincere, responsible, sophisticated, outspoken, considerate, modest, eloquent, energetic, thoughtful, obliging, sociable, assertive, attentive, outgoing, pleasant, gentle, courteous, punctual, trustworthy, cheerful, easy-going, well-behaved, calm.

What are descriptive words examples?

A descriptive word is a word used to give details and more information. Examples of descriptive words include colors, sizes, shapes, textures, and numbers, to name a few!

What is descriptive paragraph and examples?

A descriptive paragraph describes a thing, a person, or a place. Detailed information allows the reader to form an image in his or her imagination. The better the description, the clearer the image. Let’s take, for example, a description of a place.

How many types of adjectives are there in English?

8 types

How many adjectives are there in total?

10,000 adjectives