What was Eveline afraid of?

What was Eveline afraid of?

Death pervades “Eveline” too: the deaths of her mother and her brother Ernest, and of a girlhood friend named Tizzie Dunn. And of course, Eveline fears her own death: “he would drown her,” she thinks of Frank, defying logic.

Why does Eveline decide to stay at the end of the story?

Oddly enough, Eveline makes what seems to be an unbelievable choice: to stay with her family. After delving into the particulars of her life, she chooses to stay because she has no other alternative.

What is the point of view in Eveline?

“Eveline” is writien from a third person point of view. The story is told from Eveline’s point of view. However, it isn’t a straightforward relating of events; we are inside her head, reading her thoughts.

What kind of character is Eveline?

The protagonist of the story, Eveline is a hard-working Irish woman around age nineteen living with her father in her childhood home in Dublin. She lives a hard life caring for her abusive father and two children who have been left in her care, while also working in the Stores, the popular name for a local shop.

What is character and examples?

Character is defined as a trait, quality or high moral code. An example of character is someone who is known for being funny. The definition of a character is a unique symbol, letter or mark used in writing. An example of character is an asterisk.

What type of person is frank in Eveline?

Originally from Dublin, but currently a sailor with a home in Buenos Ayres, Frank meets Eveline on a visit to Dublin. Eveline describes him as “kind, manly, open-hearted” and likes hearing his stories about his travels.

Which of the following best describes Eveline’s father?

Answer Expert Verified. 1- The correct answer is A. Eveline’s father often treated his family harshly. He was sometimes abusive with his children and his late wife.

What does the sound of the street organ playing symbolize for Eveline?

Down this street, too, Eveline hears a street organ being played by an Italian. For, this music reminds Eveline of her vows to her mother to keep the “home together as long as she could,” as well as the funeral of her mother that has now become a dirge for her in the Italian’s song.

What does her father mean when he tells her I know these sailor chaps what possible reasons would he have for trying to break up her romance with Frank?

He could have tried to break them up because he is controlling and didn’t want them to be together or he is being protective or his daughter.

Why does thinking of her mother make Eveline escape?

Eveline liked having the opportunity for an escape, and it temporarily soothed her anxiety about the lack of respect she receives from her boss and her fear of being treated like her mother. It is possible that all she really desired was some kind of reassurance in the form of another potential path.