What type of simple machine is a stair?

What type of simple machine is a stair?

inclined plane simple machine

What is an example of an inclined plane in your home?

Inclined Planes: Up and Down Some examples of inclined planes in your home are ramps and staircases. Most of the pipes found in your kitchen and bathroom are also inclined planes, working with gravity to transport water and waste.

Is the knee joint a third class lever?

There are many examples of third class lever systems, including both flexion and extension at the knee joint. During flexion at the knee, the point of insertion of the hamstrings on the tibia is the effort, the knee joint is the fulcrum and the weight of the leg is the load.

Which is easy pulling or pushing?

Friction is the force acting between the object and the surface. So, when there will be less force of friction, it is easier in that case to move the body. Hence, it is easier to pull than to push a body.

Why more force is needed to push a lighter box than to push a heavier box?

Heavy box will press the floor surface harder as compared to the lighter box. That means the force of friction will be more between the heavier box and surface than between the lighter box and surface. Thus, larger force will be needed to push the heavier box than to push the lighter one.

Why is it easier to push a lighter box than a similar heavy box on the same floor?

The inertial force is directly proportional to the amount mass of an object. This less amount of inertial force of the lighter object can be easily overpowered by a small amount of external force application, as compared with the heavy box. That’s why, it is easier to push a lighter box than a heavy box.

Why is it difficult to push a box on a rough surface?

This friction force arises between two surfaces in contact; in this case, between the bottom of the box and floorÃs rough surface. It balances the pushing force and therefore the box does not move. This is because the friction force still balances the pushing force.

Why it is difficult to push a heavy object?

Answer. as the forced applied is in relation to frictional force as when the the force applied is grater than the frictional force then object moves bt when frictional force is grater the object does not moves.