
What should I say in a thank you card?

What should I say in a thank you card?


  • “You’re the best.”
  • “I’m humbled and grateful.”
  • “You knocked me off my feet!”
  • “My heart is still smiling.”
  • “Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure.”
  • “Sometimes the simplest things mean the most.”
  • “The banana bread was fabulous. You made my day.”
  • “I’m touched beyond words.”

How do you say thank you in Hispanic?

15 Ways to Say Thank You and You’re Welcome in Spanish

  1. Gracias (thank you)
  2. Muchas gracias (thank you very much)
  3. Mil gracias (a thousand thanks)
  4. Muchísimas gracias (thank you very much, thanks a lot)
  5. Gracias/muchas gracias por todo (thank you/thank you very much for everything)
  6. Te/se lo agradezco (I thank you)

How do you start a thank you letter in Spanish?

Beginning Your Formal Spanish Letter

  1. If you don’t know the exact person you’re writing to, use Muy señor(a) mío/a (My dear Sir/Madam)
  2. For writing to an institution, use Muy señores míos (Dear Sirs)
  3. The most formal opener is Distinguido/a Señor(a) (Distinguished Mr./Mrs.), followed by the person’s surname if you know it.

How do you sign off a letter in Spanish?


  1. Saludos cordiales. = Best regards.
  2. Atentamente. = Sincerely.
  3. Cordialmente. = Cordially.
  4. Sinceramente. = Sincerely.
  5. Para cualquier cosa estoy a su disposición. = I am at your disposal for anything you need.
  6. Agradeciéndole de antemano su cooperación. = Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

How do you end a business letter in Spanish?

Formal Way to End Letter in Spanish Most common is Atentamente, which is the literal translation of “Sincerely” in a Spanish letter. You can also use Le saluda atentamente (if writing to one person) or Les saluda atentamenta (if writing to more than one person). Both translate literally as “Yours sincerely”.