What should be in a family binder?

What should be in a family binder?

Organize Your Family with a Family Binder

  • Emergency info: Phone numbers for your doctor and pediatrician, emergency numbers for fire and police and hospital and poison control, other important numbers.
  • Important info: Social security numbers for your kids, health insurance info, anything else you need to refer to frequently.

How do you put labels on binder spine?

Take a thin ruler and slide it inside the plastic on the spine where your label will go. This will open up the pocket and unstick it from the binder, which may happen after some disuse. Move the ruler gently from side to side in the plastic if your binder is wider, making sure the whole pocket is open and unstuck.

How do you cover a fabric binder?

Lay the binder in the center of the sprayed fabric, putting the spine down first, and then the sides. Pull up the bottom edge of fabric and tuck it in under the binder ring bar. Repeat with the top edge of the fabric. Work your way around the edges, pulling the fabric over the edge of the binder and pressing down.

How do you decorate a ring file?

Paint the ring binder with Plus Color Craft paint and decorate it with hand-made paper and cork. The die-cut designs, die-cut text and a leather cord gives a final personal touch. Use masking tape to cover a small area of the spine and paint the exposed area on the spine with Plus Color Craft paint.

How do I cover a folder in contact paper?


  1. Cut a large sheet of contact paper from the roll.
  2. Open your book and place it on the contact paper.
  3. Draw a border around the open book.
  4. Cut around the measured border.
  5. Fold the contact paper in half.
  6. Cut the contact paper so it will fold smoothly over the cover of your book.

What can you do with an empty binder?

32 Creative Excuses to Buy More Binders

  1. 1 – Use binders to make calendars.
  2. 2 – Use a binder to store and organize coupons.
  3. 3 – Make your own recipe book.
  4. 4 – Organize your favorite recipe magazines.
  5. 5 – Binders are great for organizing greeting cards.
  6. 6 – Make a quilted binder to hold your quilt patterns.

How do you remove binder labels?

Moisten label with a substance that will break down the glue and release the rest of the label. Some effective substances include vinegar, cooking oil, rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, peanut butter or a glue removing solvent. Allow to saturate for at least five minutes.

What is an electronic binder?

In short, a electronic binder is collection of relevant documents that have been merged into a PDF that is fully text searchable, indexed and bookmarked.