
What percentage is a 3 rep max?

What percentage is a 3 rep max?

1 Rep-Max Percentages

Reps %1RM
3 93
4 90
5 87
6 85

How many reps can you do with 80 of your max?

Using 80% of a 1RM may result in 7, 8, 9, or 10 reps. The only thing that matters is what performance was obtained at that point in time and how you build on that performance. Rep ranges can be varied for different cycles such as heavy, moderate or light resistance training protocols.

How many reps is 60 percent?

Step 2: Establish a True 1RM

Warm-up Set % of 1RM Reps per Set
1 30-50% 5
2 50-60% 5
3 60-70% 3
4 75-87% 1-2

How much can a 140 pound man bench?

Bench press average by weight

Body weight (lbs) Untrained Intermediate
123 90 140
132 100 155
148 110 170
165 120 185

Is arching your back on bench press bad?

1. It’s the Safest Position for Your Shoulders. To keep your shoulders safe during the Bench Press, you MUST keep the “ball” in the “socket.” Arching your back helps draw the ball deeper into the socket and allows you to use your upper-back muscles to pull your shoulder blades down and back into a stable position.

How do I strengthen my back arch for bench press?

One simple way to do this is to increase the back arch when setting up for the bench. The first and most obvious advantage of this is to shorten the distance that the bar has to be pushed. You can decrease the movement by several inches or more by switching from a flat backed bench to an arched back bench.