What other animals can eat rabbit pellets?

What other animals can eat rabbit pellets?

Maybe you can find someone who raises rabbits that would trade you a dressed frozen rabbit for the bags of rabbit feed. The pellets can also be fed to horses, cattle, and goats, so lots of barter possibilities.

Can birds eat rabbit pellets?

When asking “Can birds eat rabbit food?” it makes sense to start with the fundamentals. You can’t give rabbit food to a bird if it is filled with additives. These are horrible for the pet’s health and will lead ot major digestive issues that are going to pose a risk to the bird’s long-term wellbeing.

Can chickens eat timothy hay pellets?

Timothy and grass hay are mostly roughage and not something to feed to hens (although they might like to scratch through it and find a seed or two.) Alfalfa grows in a field and on stems like hay, but the plant is a legume. It’s high in protein, and its fiber is highly digestible.

Can chickens eat rabbits?

They can eat the innards with no issues. It won’t hurt them, and you don’t have to cut them up. Chickens are scavengers.

Will chickens eat rabbit poop?

The chickens will likely eat all of the rabbit droppings.

Do rabbits kill chickens?

Can Rabbits Kill Chickens? Rabbits are capable of killing a chicken, yes. Rabbits have very sharp claws and also kick when they are fighting with other animals.

What Animals Can rabbits live with?

Do Rabbits Do Well With Other Household Pets?

  • Cats. With the proper circumstances and a healthy environment, rabbits and felines may make a good team, particularly in cases where the bunny doesn’t react fearfully to the latter’s mere presence.
  • Dogs. Dogs are a similar situation as cats.
  • Guinea Pigs. Guinea pigs and rabbits also may be a suitable match.
  • Ferrets.
  • Birds.

How old are chickens when they start mating?

about 4 to 5 months

Do chickens get lonely after death?

The dying chicken passes alone. The others have returned to doing what the flock does: foraging, scratching, dust bathing, and such. Still, for days after a hen dies, it is not uncommon for those who were closest to her to mourn the loss of their friend.