
What is VPO in address?

What is VPO in address?

VPO stands for Village Post Office (India)

What does RIMP stand for?


Acronym Definition
RIMP Risk Management Program (usually seen as RMP)
RIMP Research Institute of Marine Products (Vietnam)
RIMP Rectal Internal Mucosal Prolapse (colorectal medicine)
RIMP Right Index of Myocardial Performance (echocardiography)

What does Sio mean in texting?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: Bye
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 3: Guessable
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What are serious inquiries?

What does serious inquiry mean? an investigation, as into an incident: a Congressional inquiry into the bribery charges.

What does Sio stand for in finance?

What does SIO stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
SIO Social Investment Organization (Canada)
SIO Service Inventory Optimization (software)
SIO State Investment Officer (various locations)
SIO Strategic Initiatives Overview (management)

What is Soi?

SOI stands for Silicon-On-Insulator. Typically, pn junction isolation is used to electrically isolate devices on an integrated circuit (IC). SOI technology makes it possible to prevent malfunction and destruction of an IC caused by vertical and horizontal parasitic devices formed by conventional pn junction isolation.

What is a reading improvement plan?

The Individual Reading Improvement Plan (IRIP) is a tool designed to document a variety of information such as the student’s level of reading proficiency, the evidence-based interventions that will be used to help the student improve, diagnostic data, and ideas for home support.