What is the use of ethylene glycol?

What is the use of ethylene glycol?

Ethylene glycol is a chemical commonly used in many commercial and industrial applications including antifreeze and coolant. Ethylene glycol helps keep your car’s engine from freezing in the winter and acts as a coolant to reduce overheating in the summer.

How does diethylene glycol affect the body?

Diethylene glycol (DEG) is a colorless, virtually odorless liquid with a sweet taste typically used in antifreeze solutions and as a solvent for many products. When consumed, DEG causes severe systemic and neurologic complications, including coma, seizures, peripheral neuropathy, and hepatorenal failure.

What is the boiling point of diethylene glycol?

244 °C

What is the common name of ethylene glycol?

Ethylene glycol, also called ethane-1,2-diol, the simplest member of the glycol family of organic compounds. A glycol is an alcohol with two hydroxyl groups on adjacent carbon atoms (a 1,2-diol).

What happens when ethylene glycol is mixed with water?

Pure ethylene glycol freezes at about −12 °C (10.4 °F) but, when mixed with water, the mixture freezes at a lower temperature. The use of ethylene glycol not only depresses the freezing point of aqueous mixtures, but also elevates their boiling point.

What happens if you mix red and green antifreeze?

Some people believe that they can mix the two. This is a mistake and can lead to expensive repairs. The two coolants should never be mixed together as they do not react well. When mixed together they can form a thick, jelly-like substance that can completely stop all coolant flow which can lead to overheating.

How do you know if your engine is burning coolant?

When coolant is burned, it’ll create a wispy, white smoke that billows from the tailpipe. White smoke coming from your tailpipe is a classic sign that the engine is burning coolant, and a head gasket leak is one of the most common reasons that this can happen.