What is the reply of where are you?

What is the reply of where are you?

Whenever he would ask “Where are you now?” I would respond with “Why do you ask?”. I would use a friendly, interested tone of voice, nothing even remotely approaching upset or annoyed. In the short term, this helped me get the information you’re mentioning: the reason why this person is asking me for my location.

Where are you now is it correct?

Neither is correct. Never end a sentence with the word “at”. “Where are you now?” Or “Where are you?” There is no reason to add “at” to this sentence.

What does Where are you from Mean?

The meaning is identical though. 1) “Where are you from?” implies that you want to know what city/state/country they consider “home,” and that you assume it’s someplace other than where you are right now. This may be confusing, since where someone is “from” isn’t necessarily where they live.

Where have you been at meaning?

It means “what was your location during some time period in the past?”. It is quite often used to refer to the last few hours/days/weeks, e.g. when you haven’t seen someone for a while. But it can also be used for other lengths of time in the last, like “ow you travelled during the holidays? where have you been?”.

How do you reply to Where have you been all my life?

Re: Where have you been all my life A reply might be: “I’m glad that you are feeling better.”

Are you up to this meaning?

It means “what are you doing” or “what do you plan to do”. When a friend asks you this, they’re interested in your plans and perhaps planning to ask you to meet them tonight. If a security guard asks you this question, it means he thinks you’re doing something illegal.

Are you awake now meaning?

It means “are you still awake?” and this is the only meaning I know. It can also be used like this: What are you doing up so late? Are you up yet? Why are you up so early?

What does UO stand for?

Acronym Definition
UO University of Oregon
UO Ultima Online (game)
UO Urban Outfitters
UO Uh Oh

What does u stand for in chemistry?

Dalton (unit)

dalton (unified atomic mass unit)
Symbol Da or u
Named after John Dalton
1 Da or u in … … is equal to …