What is the purpose of hollow point bullets?

What is the purpose of hollow point bullets?

Hollow point bullets are used because they penetrate targets but also expand, which means the round stays inside soft tissues. The reason hollow point bullets expand and other types of ammunition don't has to do with the materials used and what happens to a bullet when it's shot out of a barrel into tissue.

Are hollow points better than FMJ?

There's an unwritten rule of firearm ammunition: use hollow points for your carry/home defense guns and use full-metal jacket (FMJ) for practice. This is mainly due to the fact that FMJ rounds are significantly cheaper than your average hollow point. … That's not to say that FMJ rounds are useless for defense.

Are hollow point bullets legal in the US?

All expanding ammunition, including hollow point bullets, falls under Section 5 (prohibited weapons) of the Firearms Act 1968 and so is illegal to possess or transfer without the written permission of the Home Secretary.

Do hollow point bullets do more damage?

Hollow-points expand when they enter soft tissue, so they make a bigger hole, causing more damage, which means they are more lethal. … Hollow-points are more effective at quickly stopping an attack, so there isn't as much need to fire as many self-defense rounds, which means they are less lethal.