
What is the prize for the best tale?

What is the prize for the best tale?

In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, the prize for telling the best tale on their pilgrimage was a free dinner, paid for by all who are going on the journey to Canterbury. It is the Innkeeper who comes up with the idea to offer a prize.

What is the best Canterbury Tales story?

1. The Miller’s Tale. Perhaps the most famous – and best-loved – of all of the tales in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, ‘The Miller’s Tale’ is told as a comic corrective following the sonorous seriousness of the Knight’s tale.

What is the bargain the knight and old woman make?

What deal does the knight make with the old woman he meets, and how does he fulfill his bargain with her? In exchange for the correct answer to the queen’s question, the knight will do whatever the old woman asks of him. To fulfill the bargain, he marries her, because that is her demand.

What is the old man’s attitude toward death?


At first, the attitude of the three rioters toward Death is one of superiority
As the rioters go out on their search, their language is Bold, profane, boastful
Which of the following reflects the old man’s attitude toward dying? yearning
The old man scolds the three rioters for their disrespect

What are the 3 rioters doing at the beginning of the story?

At the beginning of the Pardoner’s Tale, we meet three party boys who spend all their time in the taverns, drinking, gambling, and whoring around. The Three Rioters see a corpse go by one day and learn that it is the body of a friend of theirs, killed by Death.

What event prompts the 3 rioters to seek death?

What event prompts the three rioters to seek Death? The death of an old friend of theirs prompts the three rioters to seek Death, also hearing stories of Death killing many people in different villages.

What does the old man symbolize in the Pardoner’s Tale?

The poor old man keeps asking for death to take him, but he never does. He symbolizes death because he sends the three men to look for death to an oak tree where they find gold and ultimately die.