
What is the plural form of naive?

What is the plural form of naive?

naive (plural naives)

What is the meaning of vulnerable?

1 : capable of being physically or emotionally wounded. 2 : open to attack or damage : assailable vulnerable to criticism. 3 : liable to increased penalties but entitled to increased bonuses after winning a game in contract bridge.

What makes someone naive?

Someone might call you “naive” if you are overly trusting or lack experience in the world. Naive people are often so trusting of others around them that their natural innocence results in them getting cheated or hurt. Naiveté isn’t always a bad thing; it may help you be more optimistic and entrepreneurial.

Is naive a compliment?

Naive: A person showing lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement. Many people use it as a compliment of sorts. Naive is rarely, if ever, used as a positive thing.

Are optimists naive?

Optimists can appear to be more naive when actually quite the opposite may be true. This is not to say that their optimism is disingenuous – only that they do not feel required to submit or align with negative/pessimistic/can’t do influences or thinking. That does not make the optimist naive necessarily though.

What is the difference between optimism and reality?

The realist tries to keep emotion out of the equation. When you’re an optimist, you tend to see the brighter side of things, and you’re convinced that things are getting better. The opposite of the optimist is the pessimist, who tends to see everything in as negative and dark a light as possible.

How does a realist see the glass?

Pessimist – One who sees the glass of water as being half empty and works to get more water before conquering the world. Realist – One who looks at the glass of water and sees four ounces of clear water and knows exactly what can be done with it to start changing the world.

What does it mean when someone says they are a realist?

English Language Learners Definition of realist : a person who understands what is real and possible in a particular situation : a person who accepts and deals with things as they really are. : an artist or writer who shows or describes people and things as they are in real life.

What does it mean when you say the glass is half full?

A person views the situation optimistically or hopefully. For example, Betty was not upset by the last-minute change, since it gave her extra time—she always sees the glass as half full. The opposite—that is, the pessimistic view—is put as the glass is half empty. Also see bright side.