
What is the movie geek charming about?

What is the movie geek charming about?

Dylan Schoenfield, Woodlands Academy’s top girl,accidentally drops her fashionable and very expensive handbag into the mall fountain. She is surprised when film geek Josh Rosen retrieves it for her. However, in exchange for him rescuing her bag, Dylan has to agree to be the subject of Josh’s documentary. Dylan hopes the film will help her campaign to become Blossom Queen and claims that winning is her main goal in life.

Does Geek Charming have a sequel?

In the end, Josh and Dylan, narrating the movie, narrate the final sentence, and they kiss again with Josh’s jacket covering them. As they walk away, it’s revealed there will be a sequel around the future. Throughout the movie, Dylan and Josh narrate from asides.

Is there going to be a charming 2?

Charming 2 hasn’t been confirmed yet. While that doesn’t mean it won’t happen, it’s highly unlikely that there will be a sequel. It’s a fairy tale story. Most fairy tales don’t need a sequel….

Is charming a Disney movie?

Prince Charming is handsome and brave — but he doesn’t actually get that much screen time in the Disney movies….

When was Geek Charming filmed?


When did Charming come out on Netflix?

November 29, 2018 (Brazil)

Is charming a Netflix original?

It was released in the United Kingdom on August 2, 2019. Streaming service Netflix acquired the distribution rights to the film in the United States, and was released on the platform on January 8, 2021.

How old is Prince Charming?

Cinderella and Prince Charming The Reddit post estimated that Cinderella was 19 and Prince Charming was 21, so not as much of an age gap between these two!…

Who is the king in Charming?

Jim Cummings

Who is darling charmings parents?

Family. Daring is the eldest child of King and Queen Charming. He has two younger siblings, Dexter Charming and Darling Charming. His paternal grandparents are King Auspicious Charming and Queen Alluring Charming.

Who plays Prince Charming Shrek?

Rupert EverettShrek

Is Prince Charming in the first Shrek?

Although Charming does not appear physically in the first Shrek movie, he was briefly mentioned by Shrek, in which Fiona reveals that she thought that she would be rescued by a Prince “Charming”, probably told to her by her parents in advance.