
What is the meaning of decadence?

What is the meaning of decadence?

Decadence is a state of deterioration or decay, especially due to being excessively morally corrupt or self-indulgent. The adjective form of decadence is decadent, which is used to describe things in such a state, especially societies or behavior.

What does decadent mean in literature?


Is Decadent a negative word?

decadence Add to list Share. Decadence is not simply a synonym for excess; it also suggests that one’s morals have gone down. The word is usually negative but not always. When hostile critics called a group of French writers and artists in the late 1800s decadents, these poets and painters embraced the label.

What does Dedicant mean?

(ˈdɛdɪkənt) a person who devotes or dedicates. the decision was a private matter between the dedicant and the teachers.

How do you use ignoble in a sentence?

(1) There’s something cowardly and ignoble about such an attitude. (2) She saved her fury for the ignoble dead. (3) Their vision, for all its limits, was not ignoble. (4) With its own ignoble voice, blood does, indeed, cry out for blood.

What is the syllable of ignoble?

3 syllables

Is Ignobility a word?

ig·no·ble. adj. 1. Not noble in quality, character, or purpose; base or dishonorable.

What is the meaning of ignoble person?

The definition of ignoble is capable of base or mean behavior. An example of someone who is ignoble is a person whose character is dishonorable. An example of something ignoble is a person born into a poor family.

What is the meaning of Grovelling?

1 : to creep with the face to the ground : crawl. 2a : to lie or creep with the body prostrate in token of subservience or abasement groveled at the feet of the king. b : to abase oneself would not grovel for political advantage. 3 : to give oneself over to what is base or unworthy : wallow groveling in self-pity.

What does flouted mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. : to treat with contemptuous disregard : scorn flouting the rules.

What does decedent mean?

A decedent is a legal term used by professionals in the tax, estate planning and law fields for a deceased person. When a decedent is a legitimate taxpayer, all of their possessions become part of their estate, and they are denoted as a decedent, or deceased.