What is the meaning of associated with?
What is the meaning of associated with?
(əsoʊsieɪtɪd ) 1. adjective. If one thing is associated with another, the two things are connected with each other.
What is a synonym for association?
- affiliation,
- alliance,
- collaboration,
- confederation,
- connection,
- cooperation,
- hookup,
- liaison,
What is the root word of association?
1530s, “action of coming together for a common purpose,” from Medieval Latin associationem (nominative associatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of associare “join with,” from assimilated form of ad “to” (see ad-) + sociare “unite with,” from socius “companion, ally” (from PIE *sokw-yo-, suffixed form of …
What is the meaning of associations?
1a : the act of associating. b : the state of being associated : combination, relationship had a long association with the firm. 2 : an organization of persons having a common interest : society an alumni association.4 日前
What is the synonym of cultivated?
In this page you can discover 58 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for cultivate, like: develop, plow, grow, refine, nurture, tend, work the soil, promote, advance, nourish and propagate.
Which word has almost the same meaning as cultivate?
cultivate. Synonyms: promote, foster, study, improve, fertilize, till, advance, refine, improve, civilize, nourish, cherish. Antonyms: neglect, desert, abandon, stifle, prevent, discourage, abolish, blight, blast, paralyze, eradicate, extirpate, uproot.
What does it mean to cultivate someone?
1 : to prepare land for the raising of crops cultivate a field. 2 : to raise or assist the growth of crops by tilling or by labor and care cultivate corn. 3 : to improve or develop by careful attention, training, or study : devote time and thought to He’s trying to cultivate a better attitude.
What does cultivate mean in a relationship?
to develop a friendship or relationship with someone, usually in order to get an advantage from it. Collocations and examples. + Adverbs frequently used with cultivate.
What is the root word of cultivate?
Quick Summary. The Latin root cult means “grow.” This Latin root is the word origin of a good number of English vocabulary words, including culture, cultivate and horticulture.
What is the root word of evaluate?
At the heart of the noun evaluation is the root word value, which means “worth.” So an evaluation is an examination to find the worth of something.
What is spiritual cultivation?
Spiritual cultivation is cultivating the spirit, sometimes called the soul, the heart, or the consciousness in different cultures. In modern scientific culture, spiritual cultivation is cultivating the consciousness, often resulting in developing psychic or extra-sensory powers.
How do you use the word cultivate?
Cultivate sentence example
- Why anyone would cultivate that nasty habit is a mystery to me.
- Some live in settled communities and roughly cultivate the soil.
- They are very easy to cultivate and do not require lifting.
- The insects cultivate their fungus, weeding out.
What is an example of cultivate?
To cultivate is designed as to prepare land to grow something or to nurture and cause growth, either literally or figuratively. An example of cultivate is when you prepare land to farm on it. An example of cultivate is when you cause carrots to grow.
What is the verb of cultivation?
cultivate. To grow plants, notably crops. To nurture; to foster; to tend. To turn or stir soil in preparation for planting.
How do you describe sensible?
Definition of sensible
- having, containing, or indicative of good sense or reason : rational, reasonable sensible people made a sensible answer.
- designed for practical ends (such as comfort) rather than for appearance sensible shoes.
- of a kind to be felt or perceived: such as.
What is the same meaning of Very?
Adjective. same, selfsame, very, identical, equivalent, equal mean not different or not differing from one another.
What is the meaning of very in thesaurus?
See definition of very on Dictionary.com. adj.real, exact. adv.much, really; to a high degree.
What does very mean in English?
in a high degree; extremely; exceedingly: A giant is very tall. (used as an intensive emphasizing superlatives or stressing identity or oppositeness): the very best thing; in the very same place as before.
What is a vert?
(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : green forest vegetation especially when forming cover or providing food for deer. b : the right or privilege (as in England) of cutting living wood or sometimes of pasturing animals in a forest. 2 : the heraldic color green.
What does vert mean in Greek?
Ancient Greeks and Romans sometimes used slightly different spellings for words as with the roots. vert and vers. • Sect means “to cut,” vert/vers means “to turn,” and form means “to give shape.”