
What is the meaning of Aamiin?

What is the meaning of Aamiin?

English meaning of aamiin Noun, Feminine. a vocative uttered after prayers, so let it to be ‘ameen’

What is the name of Ameen?

Amin (Arabic: أمين amiyn, amīn), also spelt Ameen, is an Arabic and Persian male given name that means “faithful, loyal, true-hearted”….Amin (name)

Gender Male
Language(s) Arabic
Word/name Arabic
Meaning Truthful

What is the meaning of Khairat in Islam?

Blessings, good work

What is Khairat called in English?

Alms : زکات Zakat صدقہ Sadqa خیرات Khairat : (noun) money or goods contributed to the poor. Alms-Giving Almsgiving : زکوة Zakat خیرات Khairat : (noun) making voluntary contributions to aid the poor. Related : Giving. 4 of 5. Benefaction : خیرات Khairat عطیہ Atia : (noun) a contribution of money or assistance.

What does Khairiyat mean?

well being Other

What do you reply to Khairiyat?

”Haan Theek Hai” or “Haan Acche hain” can be said as a reply for Khairiyat in Urdu by anyone….. Or if it is asked to a muslim, he can say “Alhamdulillah Theek Hai”.

Is Khairiyat a Urdu word?

Urdu Word خیریت – Kheriyat Meaning in English is Welfares.

What do you say after Ameen?

any other phrase after ‘Aameen in supplication, because this is not proven from the Prophet . But ‘Aameen may be repeated when supplication is repeated, based on the Hadeeth narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that once the Messenger of Allaah , ascended the pulpit and said: “’Aameen! ‘Aameen!

What is the opposite of allow?

Antonyms: forbid, veto, interdict, proscribe, disallow, prohibit, deny, refuse, nix. Synonyms: permit, give up, admit, provide, countenance, allow for, tolerate, let, grant, set aside, appropriate, earmark, reserve, leave, take into account. admit, allow(verb)