
What is the meaning merciless?

What is the meaning merciless?

: having or showing no mercy : pitiless the merciless killing of innocent people. Other Words from merciless Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about merciless.

How do you spell merciless?

adjective. without mercy; having or showing no mercy; pitiless; cruel: a merciless critic.

How do you use merciless in a sentence?

Merciless sentence example. Cold and merciless , this creature was her mate for all time. Henry had so high a sense of his own rights that he was merciless to disloyalty. The Fijians combined with this greediness a savage and merciless natures.

What is another word for unforgiving?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unforgiving, like: inexorable, revengeful, avenging, ruthless, forgiving, stern, grim, unappeasable, unrelenting, relentless and cruel.

What does it mean when someone calls you relentless?

Someone who is relentless is determined to do something and refuses to give up, even if what they are doing is unpleasant or cruel. Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable. Synonyms: merciless, hard, fierce, harsh More Synonyms of relentless.

Is Incessant a negative word?

The strict definition of ‘incessant’ is simply “without ceasing,” and includes no innate negative meaning; however, the word does carry the negative connotation of being irritating by doing something without stopping.

What does it mean by condiments?

A condiment is a spice, sauce, or preparation that is added to food, after cooking, to impart a specific flavor, to enhance the flavor, or to complement the dish. Condiments are sometimes added prior to serving, for example, in a sandwich made with ketchup, mustard or mayonnaise.

What is another word for condiments?


Is whipped cream a condiment?

Whipped cream, or whip cream, whatever you call it—is one of a kind. It’s a condiment, to be sure, and used on sweets more varied than any other sweet condiment, from pie to milkshakes to plain berries, and rather optional, as condiments are. It isn’t considered important or complex, as the great central treats are.

Is coffee a condiment?

The term “condiment” originally meant seasoned, pickled, or preserved foods in Latin. Today, the word is broadly applied to a variety of foods, including spices, herbs, sauces, seasonings, flavorings, colorings, and even beverages, such as tea, coffee, and alcoholic drinks.

Is oil a condiment?

Olive oil and balsamic vinegar are condiments. “A good extra-virgin olive oil goes a long way in adding flavor to a dish.