What is the mean of senior secondary?

What is the mean of senior secondary?

The senior secondary years are the years of later adolescence corresponding to the later part of secondary education. The term “senior secondary” may also be used to refer to any institution that covers the upper part of secondary education, such as a high school.

Which class is known as senior secondary?

Senior Secondary Schools in India include classes 11th to 12th. consisting students aged between 16-18 years. At this level of education students have the freedom to choose their preferred stream and subjects. They can pursue Arts, Commerce, Science (medical & non medical).

Which class is high school in USA?

Educational stages

Category School Grade Level
High school Freshman/9th grade
Sophomore/10th grade
Junior/11th grade
Senior/12th grade

Is high school free in USA?

American schools have thus tended to reflect the educational values and financial capabilities of the communities in which they are located. All children in the United States have access to free public schools. Private schools (religious and non-sectarian) are available, but students must pay tuition to attend them.

What are the advantages of public schools?

The benefits of public schools

  • Teachers have more qualifications.
  • Students spend more time studying core subjects.
  • Public schools can sponsor more activities.
  • The student population tends to be more diverse.
  • Schools and classes tend to be much smaller.
  • There’s often less bureaucracy.
  • Parent involvement is strong.

Why are public schools so expensive?

So why is American education so expensive? Partly because other social spending is low; education is expected to play a bigger role in social mobility, particularly for low-income students. School districts in some states spend more to educate wealthy students than poorer ones.