
What is the function of Solenocytes?

What is the function of Solenocytes?

Solenocytes are a type of long, narrow, flagellated cell that functions in excretion of nitrogenous wastes and occurs in a variety of organisms, including certain annelids and molluscs.

Which of the following has excretory organ called Solenocytes?

Solenocytes also known as flame cells are excretory structures found in Platyhelminthes. They are meant for excretion and osmoregulation. The solenocyte carries a flagellum, which wafts excretory products along the tubule.

What is the excretory organ of amphioxus?


Do Lancelets have kidneys?

The excretory system of lancelets consists of segmented “kidneys”. It is simple and composed of paired nephridia. Circulatory System: Tunicates have an open circulatory system.

What is the excretory organ of tapeworm?

The excretory cells of Tape worms are known as flame cells.

Do plants excrete carbon dioxide?

The cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and other metabolic reactions produce a lot of excretory products in plants. Carbon dioxide, excess water produced during respiration and nitrogenous compounds produced during protein metabolism are the major excretory products in plants.

What are the excretory organs of insects called?

The Malpighian tubule system is a type of excretory and osmoregulatory system found in some insects, myriapods, arachnids and tardigrades. The system consists of branching tubules extending from the alimentary canal that absorbs solutes, water, and wastes from the surrounding hemolymph.

Do insects have kidneys?

Insects do not have kidneys. Instead, metabolic wastes are removed with the Malpighian tubules[2]. Respiratory (ventilation) system: Insects don’t have lungs. They obtain oxygen and dispel carbon dioxide through a series of tubes called tracheae (see Respiratory System, right).

What wavelength can Insects see?

Insects, on the other hand, perceive wavelengths of from 650 to 300 nanometers, including the ultraviolet range of the spectrum. What this means is that most insects don’t see well in the yellow, orange and red portion of the spectrum but see ultraviolet very well.

Do Insects have an open circulatory system?

Unlike the closed circulatory system found in vertebrates, insects have an open system lacking arteries and veins. The hemolymph thus flows freely throughout their bodies, lubricating tissues and transporting nutrients and wastes. Insects do have hearts that pump the hemolymph throughout their circulatory systems.

Does insect have blood?

A: Insects do have blood — sort of. It’s usually called hemolymph (or haemolymph) and is sharply distinguished from human blood and the blood of most animals that you would be likely to have seen by an absence of red blood cells. Typical colors for hemolymph itself are greenish or yellowish.

Do bugs have hearts and lungs?

“Insects have a heart, sometimes, but no arteries or veins. They have an open circulatory system: all their organs just float in a goo called ‘hemolymph’ that is a combination of lymph and blood.

Does equal kill ants?

Yes, the very same Spenda, an artificial sweetener, many people consume daily and store in their kitchen cupboards was being reported as an ant killer.

Why do insects not have blood?

The reason insect blood is usually yellowish or greenish (not red) is that insects do not have red blood cells. Unlike blood, haemolymph does not flow through blood vessels like veins, arteries and capillaries. Instead it fills the insect’s main body cavity and is pushed around by its heart.

Do houseflies have blood?

Houseflies seem to have blood but other bugs seem to have rather a greenish or yellowish liquid. Answer 1: Bugs do have blood, but it is very different from our own. When you squash a housefly and see red, that’s not actually due to their blood– it’s the result of red pigments from their eyes!

Can rabbits fart or burp?

We know rabbits do not vomit, burp or belch. If you were not aware, you need to know that rabbits fart. Just like dogs or cats fart, these pets do also expel gas through their anus.

Can rabbits be sick?

Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers and have especially delicate respiratory systems which can make them prone to upper respiratory infections. Though subtle, rabbits do express signs of illness and injury, so as pet parents, it’s essential to keep a close eye on your rabbit every day.

Do dwarf bunnies fart?

Do rabbits fart? YES – Rabbits are described as non-ruminant herbivores, which means that while their diet consists of plant matter such as grass, flowers, as well as twigs, they do not have a specialised stomach to digest plant material. Rabbits not only can and do fart, but they need to fart.