What is the formula for NH4+?

What is the formula for NH4+?


What happens when we burn magnesium?

When magnesium reacts with oxygen, it produces light bright enough to blind you temporarily. Magnesium burns so bright because the reaction releases a lot of heat. As a result of this exothermic reaction, magnesium gives two electrons to oxygen, forming powdery magnesium oxide (MgO).

Why does magnesium mass increase after burning?

When the magnesium is heated up, the total mass increases because magnesium reacts with oxygen, forming magnesium oxide ( so it supported the hypothesis). The increased mass is because of oxygen.

Why does mass increase when burned?

When everyday metals burn, they has a reciprocated reaction in relation to the wood. Metals such as aluminum, copper, and steel combine with oxygen at high temperatures to form oxides that actually stick to the metal. Because of this we can see an increase in mass when burning these metals.

Why is it important to clean the magnesium ribbon?

Magnesium ribbon should be cleaned with sandpaper before burning in the air. To remove the Magnesium oxide layer from the ribbon which may prevent or slow down the burning of magnesium ribbon. Unwanted impurities deposited on the magnesium ribbon can be removed and only pure magnesium can be used for the reaction.

What is the purpose of making sure the outside of the magnesium ribbon is shiny?

Originally Answered: Why do we need to clean magnesium ribbon before burning it? Magnesium react with oxygen to form magnesium oxide, which does not burn. So to remove this oxide layer Magnesium ribbon is cleaned with sand paper before burning.

Why should a magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in air Meritnation?

Magnesium ribbon must be cleaned before burning in air so that the layer of magnesium oxide (which is formed due to reaction of magnesium with air) can be removed in order to get the desired chemical reaction.

How would your results be affected if all of the magnesium did not react?

The excess magnesium would increase the amount of moles calculated for magnesium, thus increasing the mole ratio. 4) If you don’t allow all the magnesium to react in the experiment, then the mole ratio of magnesium to oxygen would be too high.

What is the mole ratio of magnesium to oxygen?

So mass oxygen = 1.39 g. Number moles Mg = 2.39/24 = 0.0995. Number moles O = 1.39/16 = 0.0868. Divide by the smallest to give the ratio aproximately 1 Mg : 1 O.

Why shouldn’t you touch the crucible with your hands even when it is cool?

Do not touch the crucible with your hands (oils contaminate it and/or you could be severely burned). Do not place a hot crucible on a lab bench (the temperature difference may cause it to break).

Where did the extra mass come from hint The final product is magnesium oxide?

2Where did the extra mass come from? (Hint: The final product is magnesium oxide) When the magnesium is heated, it chemically reacts with the oxygen. It forms magnesium oxide. Because oxygen has been added to the magnesium, the mass has increased.

How do you stop magnesium from reacting with nitrogen?

By immersing it in an atmosphere of CO2, you can eliminate the reaction with nitrogen so that no Mg3N2 is formed (or at least very minimal amounts from the transfer). What you get instead is a mixture of MgO (white powder) and black carbon ash.

Why is the crucible cover kept on during the first heating of the magnesium?

Why did you need to heat and cool the crucible before adding the magnesium ribbon? We heated the crucible before adding the Magnesium so that any water that was inthe crucible from when we washed it could evaporate so it would not affect theweight since we weighed the magnesium before placing it in the crucible. 4.

What is the purpose of heating the crucible?

The empty crucible is heated to remove moisture and ensure that the crucible is completely dry as any water present may affect the reading. Most crucibles are made of ceramics,upon heating them with hydrated salt with water it will expand and contract, thereby breaking away.

What happens when you heat magnesium in a crucible?

When heated, magnesium reacts readily with oxygen in the air, to produce magnesium oxide. The chemical reaction is written as follows: 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO The magnesium will be heated strongly in an open crucible for several minutes.

Is magnesium oxide a gas?

Magnesium oxide appears as a white solid, often found as a powder. When fine particles of magnesium oxide are dispersed in air, whether directly or when generated by the burning or cutting of magnesium metal, the resulting magnesium oxide fume is an inhalation hazard. A white solid, often found as a powder.