
What is the difference between Opti Free RepleniSH and PureMoist?

What is the difference between Opti Free RepleniSH and PureMoist?

Opti-Free® Replenish® was specially designed to recondition silicone hydrogel and soft contact lenses. It also contains Polyquad® and Aldox® anti-microbial agents for compatible disinfection with all soft contact lenses. Opti-Free® PureMoist® is the newest disinfecting solution in the Opti-Free family.

What is Opti Free Express?

Description. Opti-Free Express Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution uses an exclusive formula for cleaning, disinfecting, and removing protein deposits from contact lenses. Opti-Free Express solution cleans by loosening and removing any buildups of protein or other debris that attaches to the lenses.

Can you put Opti Free PureMoist directly in your eyes?

Opti-Free Puremoist Rewetting Drops are a safe and effective solution that provides moisture and comfort for all day use. The rewetting drops can be applied directly to the eye for immediate moisture and relief, where the multi-purpose solutions are to be used strictly to soak the lens by itself.

Is Opti Free Express a saline solution?

A: Saline solution is only meant to rinse your lenses, not clean and disinfect them. OPTI-FREE® contact lens solutions do it all – rinse, clean, disinfect and store your lenses.

Can you use expired Opti free?

Can I use OPTI-FREE® contact lens solutions past their expiration date if the bottle hasn’t been opened? It is never recommended to use OPTI-FREE® solutions after their expiration date. If you recently purchased a product that is expired, return it to the retailer for an exchange.

How do I use Opti Free Express?

How to use OPTI-FREE® Express®:

  1. Thoroughly wet. each side of the. lens with solution.
  2. Rub the lens for. 20 seconds.
  3. Rinse each side of the. lens for 10 seconds. with a steady stream. of solution.
  4. Fill lens case with. solution and place. lenses in case.

How long does Opti Free last?

30 days

What is the best contact solution?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solutions Hydrogen peroxide solutions are an excellent choice for cleaning and disinfecting contact lenses. Since hydrogen peroxide tends to be hypoallergenic, this type of solution is often best for people with solution sensitivities or allergies.

Can I wear my monthly contacts overnight?

Lenses approved for sleep Both of them are monthly disposable lenses, so they should be thrown out at the end of 30 days. But even though these lenses are approved for 30 days of sleeping, most doctors recommend that you leave them out overnight at least once a week.

Can you sleep 1-Day Acuvue Moist?

Can you sleep in Acuvue Moist contacts? No, you can’t sleep in Acuvue Moist contacts (not even a nap!). They are daily disposable contacts so they are designed to be worn one day and then thrown away.

Can I wear 1-Day Acuvue Moist more than once?

The FDA does not approve multi-day use of daily disposable contacts, as these are meant to only be worn once to prevent eye infections. They are not designed for multiple uses. Daily disposable contacts are thinner than other types of contact lenses and therefore will not hold up well for reuse.