What is the atomic symbol for an atom with 38 protons 48 neutrons and 38 electrons?

What is the atomic symbol for an atom with 38 protons 48 neutrons and 38 electrons?

#38 – Strontium – Sr.

Which element is the most active metal?

Note- On the periodic table the most reactive element is the francium. But Francium is a laboratory-produced element and only minute amounts have been made, so the most reactive metal is cesium for all practical purposes.

How do you tell which element is more reactive?

The number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom determines its reactivity. Noble gases have low reactivity because they have full electron shells. Halogens are highly reactive because they readily gain an electron to fill their outermost shell.

What is the most active halogen?

Fluorine is the most reactive of the halogens and, in fact, of all elements, and it has certain other properties that set it apart from the other halogens. Chlorine is the best known of the halogen elements.

What element is a black crystal?

7. The element called doggone (D) has only 4 protons in its atom. 8. Floxxit (Fx) is a black crystal and has 4 electrons in its outermost energy level.

Are black crystals rare?

The black color that we see is in fact the color of the impurities and not of the stone itself. Natural black diamonds are very rare and only found in a few regions in the world. They are among the toughest of diamond varieties and are very durable, with a Mohs rating of 10.

Do crystals fade?

Some color fading of naturally natural irradiated crystals will fade over time as the photons become stable.

What crystals Cannot go in the moonlight?

There are a few crystals that cannot be exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. These include Aventurine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Citrine, Kunzite, Sapphires, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz.

Can the Sun charge crystals?

As long as your crystal is not sensitive to light and has been cleansed in advance with another method, you can put it in the sun to charge. Direct sunlight can also be used to assist in cleansing your stones, in conjunction with the sea salt and water method described in Chapter 11.

Can crystals crack in the cold?

Extreme heat or cold can make crystal crack or explode. Never fill a vase that has been sitting in the sun. Before adding ice to ice buckets and champagne coolers, fill them first with cold water to acclimate the crystal.

Can sodalite be in the sun?

Hackmanite, a sulfur-rich variety of sodalite, shows tenebrescence. When first mined, stones from Canada and Greenland can range from pink to violet. In sunlight, however, they fade to grayish white or white. On the other hand, hackmanites from Afghanistan and Myanmar start white but turn pink or violet in sunlight.