What is Rotflmao in text?

What is Rotflmao in text?

“rolling on the floor laughing my ass off”.

What does Rotflmao stand for on Facebook?

Acronym. Definition. ROTFLMAO. Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off.

What does snafu mean?

A SNAFU. While sometimes used as a synonym for minor malfunctions and hiccups, this slang military acronym—“Situation Normal, All Fucked Up”—actually refers to the functionally messy state that describes many otherwise healthy companies (and many of our personal lives)….

How many millionaires has Bitcoin created?

There are now as many as 100,000 people who have $1 million or more stashed in bitcoin, according to the cryptocurrency data-tracking firm bitinfocharts. That’s up from just 25,000 bitcoin millionaires three months ago….

Can I buy less than 1 Bitcoin?

So you can buy for $1 dollar of bitcoin if you wish (0.00016 bitcoin). From the technical aspect, Bictoins can be cut in very small parts. The satoshi is currently the smallest unit of the bitcoin currency recorded on the block chain. It is a one hundred millionth of a single bitcoin (0.BTC).

Can I buy a piece of Bitcoin?

You’ll be able to buy bitcoins and some ATMs will allow you to sell them, too, using cash or a debit card. But you may need a Bitcoin wallet to make the transaction….

How much does a Bitcoin cost now?

Bitcoin Price

Rank Currency Price
1 Bitcoin $/td>
2 Ethereum $2,463.56
3 Binance Coin $550.94
4 XRP $1.74

Can I buy 20 dollars worth of Bitcoin?

You can buy bitcoin with $20 using Paxful. Paxful has about 300+ payment methods to choose from so, in your case, you want to buy $20 worth of bitcoin you get to choose how you want to buy it and how you want to receive it.

Can I buy 10 dollars of Bitcoin?

You can buy just about any amount you want, even $10. Most bitcoin exchanges set a minimum order, and in such cases where $10 is below this limit, you could buy this amount of bitcoin from a friend who owns some. As far as making money is concerned, the key is to be consistent.

How much Bitcoin can you buy with $100?

If you invested $100, you’d have been able to buy about 1,000 bitcoins….