
What is neodymium boiling point?

What is neodymium boiling point?

3.074 °C
Neodimio/Punto de ebullición

What is Neodymiums density?

Density (near r.t. ) 7.01 g/cm3.

What is the normal phase of neodymium?


Name Neodymium
Density 7.007 grams per cubic centimeter
Normal Phase Solid
Family Rare Earth Metals
Period 6

What state is neodymium at room temperature?

Fact box

Group Lanthanides Melting point
Period 6 Boiling point
Block f Density (g cm−3)
Atomic number 60 Relative atomic mass
State at 20°C Solid Key isotopes

Are Neodymium magnets dangerous?

Neodymium magnets are perfectly safe for humans and animals as long as you handle them with care. Some neodymium magnets are strong enough to cause some serious damage to your fingers and/or hands if they get jammed between a strong magnet and metal or another magnet.

Why is neodymium dangerous?

Neodymium is mostly dangerous in the working environment, due to the fact that damps and gasses can be inhaled with air. This can cause lung embolisms, especially during long-term exposure. Neodymium can be a threat to the liver when it accumulates in the human body.

Why paramagnetism is highest in neodymium?

Neodymium magnets have higher remanence, much higher coercivity and energy product, but often lower Curie temperature than other types. Neodymium is alloyed with terbium and dysprosium in order to preserve its magnetic properties at high temperatures.

Are Neodymium magnets pure neodymium?

A neodymium magnet (also known as NdFeB, NIB or Neo magnet) is the most widely used type of rare-earth magnet. It is a permanent magnet made from an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron to form the Nd2Fe14B tetragonal crystalline structure.

Why are Neodymium magnets illegal?

That is, until 2012, when the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned them. It turns out that they’re a big hazard to small children, who would often eat them. The balls would attract each other inside the digestive tract, causing massive damage and requiring surgery to remove.

Why are Neodymium magnets so expensive?

Neodymium magnets can be made very large or big and so their magnetic fields are extremely strong. That is so strong, that it becomes almost impossible to attach a large magnet to any other magnet or any metal based object. And combining the two “beefy” or the large magnets with one another are very difficult.

Which is the most paramagnetic?

So as explained above the highest number of the unpaired electron is (n=4) for [Fe(H2O)6]2+, hence it shows the highest paramagnetism.

Is neodymium paramagnetic or diamagnetic?

Magnetic Type of the elements

Chromium Antiferromagnetic Sodium
Cadmium Diamagnetic Cerium
Indium Diamagnetic Praseodymium
Tin Diamagnetic Neodymium
Antimony Diamagnetic Samarium