
What is my DPI on my mouse?

What is my DPI on my mouse?

DPI is the standard used to measure the mouse sensitivity, expressed as the number of DPIs (dots per linear inch) that a device can detect. By changing the DPI, you can instantly adjust pointer speed for precision tasks, such as in-game targeting or photo editing.

Is higher DPI better for FPS?

Simply put, a higher DPI makes a huge difference. Most gaming mice check how far they’ve moved around 1,000 times a second, also called a polling rate. If a player is using a DPI lower than than the number of times the mouse checks for movement, they’re leaving performance and accuracy on the table.

Is lower sensitivity better for FPS?

The lower your sensitivity, the more margin for error you have with smaller targets, however, a higher sensitivity allows you to more quickly snap to targets, as well as giving you control of weapons with stronger recoil.

Do pros play on high sensitivity?

What sensitivity the pros use doesn’t matter. It’s about what sensitivity you’re comfortable with – that won’t be hindered by your mouse space or your aim technique. Some pros have high sensitivity, some low. In theory, lower sensitivities make you more accurate, but require large mouse spaces and an arm aiming style.

What sensitivity do pros use in Valorant?

Most pro players have anything between 25-50 cm/360 as their ideal sensitivity.

What mouse sensitivity do pros use?

400 DPI

What sensitivity do pros use MW?

Sensitivity: Horizontal and vertical numbers can vary wildly based on personal preference, but many pros like to keep their ADS sensitivity somewhere between 0.75 and 0.80.

What sensitivity do pros use for warzone?

Horizontal and vertical stick sensitivity: Five or six is preferable among most pros. If you need to go lower than five, don’t go past four. You won’t be able to react nearly as well with a sensitivity of two or three. You should also probably keep the same number in horizontal and vertical sensitivity for consistency.