
What is meant by mitigating circumstances?

What is meant by mitigating circumstances?

mitigating circumstances. n. in criminal law, conditions or happenings which do not excuse or justify criminal conduct, but are considered out of mercy or fairness in deciding the degree of the offense the prosecutor charges or influencing reduction of the penalty upon conviction.

What is the importance of mitigation?

While these hazards cannot be prevented from occurring, mitigation planning focuses on reducing the impact of such events when they do occur. Mitigation strategies include actions taken in the form of projects that will substantially reduce or eliminate repetitive losses due to the occurrence of the same hazard.

What is impact mitigation?

Mitigation refers to minimizing or avoiding the described impacts. Overall, mitigation measures are a response to the findings of impact assessment; they need to cover all the areas identified.

Which of the following is a disaster mitigation strategy?

Examples of mitigation strategies include: hazard specific control activities such as flood levees or bushfire mitigation strategies. design improvements to infrastructure or services. land use planning and design decisions that avoid developments and community infrastructure in areas prone to hazards.

How important is hazard mitigation?

Hazard mitigation planning reduces the risk to people and property, and reduces the cost of recovering from a disaster. A hazard mitigation plan can help communities become more sustainable and disaster-resistant by focusing efforts on the hazards, disaster-prone areas and identifying appropriate mitigation actions.

What are the three parts of hazard mitigation?

Hazard mitigation plans can address a range of natural and human-caused hazards. They typically include four key elements: 1) a risk assessment, 2) capability assessment, 3) mitigation strategy, and 4) plan maintenance procedures.

How do you mitigate a hazard?

Examples of Mitigation actions include:

  1. Promoting effective land use planning based on identified hazards.
  2. Adopting and enforcing building codes and standards.
  3. Buying flood insurance to protect personal property and belongings.
  4. Securing shelves and water heaters to walls.
  5. Elevating structures above the floodplain.

How do we mitigate natural hazard?

Awareness, education, preparedness, and prediction and warning systems can reduce the disruptive impacts of a natural disaster on communities. Mitigation measures such as adoption of zoning, land-use practices, and building codes are needed, however, to prevent or reduce actual damage from hazards.

What is disaster prevention and mitigation?

Mitigation means to reduce the severity of the human and material damage caused by the disaster. Prevention is to ensure that human action or natural phenomena do not result in disaster or emergency. The objective of prevention is to reduce the risk of being affected by a disaster.

What is an example of mitigation against a hurricane?

Protect your home: strengthen your roof and garage door. Protect your home: secure your windows. Pick up the lawn chairs: clear your yard of possible debris. Stay indoors.

What are the mitigation of tsunami?

Other ways to prepare for and mitigate the potential impacts of a tsunami emphasize thoughtful land-use planning and building design in tsunami hazard zones and include the following: Improving evacuation routes. Building tsunami evacuation structures. Designing, siting, and building structures to minimize tsunami …

What is the best way to collect data from a hurricane?

Aircraft reconnaissance is considered to be the most direct method of measuring the winds of a hurricane. Data provided by the Hurricane Hunters is vital to tropical cyclone forecasting and makes possible the advance warning of hurricanes and increased accuracy of hurricane predictions and warnings.

How do you mitigate a storm surge?

If a storm surge is forecast

  1. Check supplies including medications, radio, flashlight and batteries.
  2. You may have to evacuate. Keep your emergency kit close at hand.
  3. Make sure the basement windows are closed.
  4. Fuel your car. If evacuation becomes necessary, it will be hard to stop for gas.

What is the definition of storm surge?

Storm Surge Video Storm surge is the abnormal rise in seawater level during a storm, measured as the height of the water above the normal predicted astronomical tide. The surge is caused primarily by a storm’s winds pushing water onshore.

What locations are vulnerable to storm surge?

Areas along the Gulf Coast, especially Louisiana and Mississippi, are particularly vulnerable to storm surge because the ocean floor gradually deepens offshore.

Is storm surge covered by flood insurance?

Storm surge is included in a flood insurance policy. A storm surge is considered indistinguishable from regular flooding for flood insurance purposes.

What are the types of storm surge?

There are two major types of storms, tropical and extratropical storms. In principle there are more, such as polar lows, cold surges, and medicanes (Mediterranean hurricanes), which regionally play a role with storm surges, but this chapter is limited to the two main types.

What is a storm surge quizlet?

storm surge. a localized unusual increase of sea water level beyond the predicted astronomical tide level primarily due to intense winds and lowered atmospheric pressure during the passage of an intense tropical cyclone from the sea to the land.

Is storm surge vertical or horizontal?

Storm surge and coastal flooding have both vertical and horizontal dimensions. Storm surge can reach heights of more than 12 m (40 ft) near the center of a Category 5 hurricane, and fan out across several hundred miles of coastline, gradually diminishing away from the hurricane’s center.

Which of the following correctly describes a storm surge?

A storm surge is a rise in sea level that occurs during tropical cyclones, intense storms also known as typhoons or hurricanes. The storms produce strong winds that push the water into shore, which can lead to flooding. This makes storm surges very dangerous for coastal regions.