
What is it called when words start with the same letter?

What is it called when words start with the same letter?

In literature, alliteration is the conspicuous repetition of identical initial consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables within a group of words, even those spelled differently. As a method of linking words for effect, alliteration is also called head rhyme or initial rhyme.

Is a palindrome and anagram?

An anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the characters of a string. An anagram must have meaning, it can’t just be gibberish. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward.

What is Strcat?

The strcat() function is used for string concatenation. It concatenates the specified string at the end of the another specified string.

What is strcat () in C?

(String Concatenation) In the C Programming Language, the strcat function appends a copy of the string pointed to by s2 to the end of the string pointed to by s1. It returns a pointer to s1 where the resulting concatenated string resides.

What is Strstr in C?

C strstr() Function – C tutorial The strstr() function searches the given string in the specified main string and returns the pointer to the first occurrence of the given string.

What is Strcat in C++ programming?

The strcat() function in C++ appends a copy of a string to the end of another string.

What is the difference between strcpy and strcat?

Difference between strcat() and strcpy() functions: The ‘strcat()’ is a function used for appending one string content with another string element. The strcpy() function is used to copy strings. The ‘strcpy()’ function copies a string pointed as a source into the destination.

WHAT IS NULL pointer with example?

A Null Pointer is a pointer that does not point to any memory location. Here, Null means that the pointer is referring to the 0th memory location. If we do not have any address which is to be assigned to the pointer, then it is known as a null pointer.

What is null point in potentiometer?

The balancing point or null point of the potentiometer is the point on the slide wire when the galvanometer shows zero deflection.

What is null point?

In physics a null is a point in a field where the field quantity is zero as the result of two or more opposing quantities completely cancelling each other. Common situations where nulls arise are in the polar patterns of microphones and antennae, and nulls caused by reflections of waves.

What is null point method?

[′nəl ‚meth·əd] (engineering) A method of measurement in which the measuring circuit is balanced to bring the pointer of the indicating instrument to zero, as in a Wheatstone bridge, and the settings of the balancing controls are then read.

What is null point in galvanometer?

The null point of galvanometer is defined as the point at which the galvanometer shows no deflection as there is no flow of current through the galvanometer.

What is null point in meter bridge?

The metre bridge, also known as the slide wire bridge consists of a one metre long wire of uniform cross sectional area, fixed on a wooden block. As the jockey slides over the wire AC, it shows zero deflection at the balancing point (null point). If the length AB is , then the length BC is ( 100-l ).

What is null point in Wheatstone network?

1 Answer. In a Wheatstone bridge the main advantage of null point method is that the resistance of galvanometer does not affect the balance point, there is no need to determine current in resistances and the internal resistance of a galvanometer. It is convenient and easy method for observer.

What is null voltage?

Null voltage means no voltage. There are instruments such as Wheatstone bridge which need zero reading and that is achieved through null voltage.

What is DC null?

Consider a null point instruments (i.e., the DC potentiometer) wherein an unknown emf Ex is measured. The null detector is a current galvanometer whose deflection is proportional to the unbalance emf, i.e., is that the difference between the emf Eab across portion ab of slide wire and the unknown emf Ex.

What is the condition that will make the galvanometer is equal to 0?

When there is no current through the meter, the galvanometer pointer rests at 0 (midscale). Current in one direction causes the pointer to deflect on one side and current in the opposite direction to otherwise.