
What is FedEx account number used for?

What is FedEx account number used for?

The benefits of a Fedex account include discounts on shipping rates and more advanced reporting tools. It also allows you to ship packages using your Fedex account number, to be billed at a later date. Using a Fedex account number to ship packages is easy to do.

Can someone use my FedEx account number?

FedEx may send you, the account owner, an email each time someone else obtains the ability to use your account number for shipping purposes on FedEx Ship Manager® at The email will contain the name of the person who has gained access and a partial account number, as well as other pertinent information.

How do I ship FedEx with just my account number?

If you have a FedEx Account Number, just register for FedEx Ship Manager at and begin shipping. If you need a FedEx Account Number, register for a FedEx Account Number on, and receive it immediately. Then sign up for FedEx Ship Manager at and begin shipping.

Do I need an account to ship FedEx?

Do I need a FedEx account to ship? In order to ship online using FedEx Ship Manager® at, a FedEx account and a login are required. You can first open a FedEx Account online and then get a login.

What is a shipping account number?

You can find your UPS account number, sometimes referred to as the shipper number, in various ways. By finding the tracking number of a package that was shipped using your UPS account. Look for the string of six numbers and letters that immediately follow “1Z”—that’s your account number.

How do I ship UPS using an account number?

Specify the receiver’s UPS account number and the postal code for the account. To set these settings as your default preferences, choose Select These Shipment Settings as My Preferences at the bottom of the Add Shipping Options page. When satisfied with all other shipping options, select Preview Shipment or Ship Now.

What type of business is FedEx?

multinational delivery services company

Is FedEx efficient?

To deliver on its customer promise of rapid and reliable delivery while offering competitive pricing, FedEx Express relies on an extremely efficient operating model that is centered on its aircraft (Figure 1) (5).

Is FedEx the largest shipping company?

Unmatched air route authorities and transportation infrastructure, combined with leading-edge information technologies, make FedEx Express the world’s largest express transportation company, providing fast and reliable delivery of more than 6.5 million shipments and 29 million pounds of freight each business day.