What is dilatation?

What is dilatation?

1 : amplification in writing or speech. 2a : the condition of being stretched beyond normal dimensions especially as a result of overwork, disease, or abnormal relaxation dilatation of the heart dilatation of the stomach.

What does dilation mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of dilation 1 : the state of being dilated : dilatation. 2 : the action of stretching or enlarging an organ or part of the body cervical dilation dilation of the pupil with atropine.

What’s another word for dilation?

What is another word for dilation?

enlargement expansion
spread broadening
dilatation distension
distention opening
stretching swelling

How do you become magnanimous?

To be magnanimous means to have “greatness of the soul” “high souled”- rising above pettiness or meanness; generosity in overlooking injury or insult. Other characteristics of magnanimity include: A tolerance of another viewpoint without having smugness about one’s own.

What is magnanimity according to Aristotle?

Magnanimity is the quality of the person who knows himself or herself to be worthy of great honors. Aristotle asserts of the magnanimous person that “his gait is measured, his voice deep, and his speech unhurried.”

Is polygamy still practiced?

Today, various denominations of fundamentalist Mormonism continue to practice polygamy. The Latter-day Saints’ practice of polygamy has been controversial, both within Western society and the LDS Church itself.

Is polygamy legal in Europe?

All of Europe and Oceania, except for the Solomon Islands, do not recognize polygamist marriages. In Australia, polygamous marriage is outlawed, but polygamous relationships are common within some indigenous Australian communities.

Why is polygamy banned Canada?

In 2011, the B.C. Supreme Court upheld the section of the Criminal Code that prohibits polygamy as constitutional and ruled that the harm against women and children from polygamy far outweighs concerns over protecting religious freedom.

Why do people become polygamist?

Goody says, “The reasons behind polygyny are sexual and reproductive rather than economic and productive” (1973:189), arguing that men marry polygynously to maximize their fertility and to obtain large households containing many young dependent males.

What country is polygamy legal?

The legal status of polygamy varies widely around the world. Polygyny is legal in 58 out of nearly 200 sovereign states, the vast majority of them being Muslim-majority countries in Africa and Asia….To permit polygamy.

Country Libya
Polygamous union Polygamous civil marriage
Upper House Yes Passed
Lower House Yes Passed