What is Chimera in camouflaging the chimera?

What is Chimera in camouflaging the chimera?

That word chimera comes originally from Greek mythology and is a monstrous creature with the body of a lion, the head of a goat protruding from its back, with the lion’s tail having a serpent’s head. In this poem chimera means an imagined terrible creation….the whole of the US military mythologized.

What is the significance of the tiger suit in camouflaging the chimera?

In Yusef Komunyakaa’s “Camouflaging the Chimera”, the significance of the tiger suit is the effort that American soldiers did to look like animals, and they are depicted this way in the poem.

What are the soldiers doing in camouflaging the chimera?

Answer Expert Verified. In Yusef Komunyakaa’s “Camouflaging the Chimera”, the soldiers are B. Preparing to fight. In Komunyakaa’s “Camouflaging the Chimera”, the narrator tells us about the effort that American soldiers did to look like animals and blend in.

What kind of imagery do both Komunyakaa’s camouflaging the?

The answer is indeed letter A. images of nature. Explanation: We are analyzing the images described in two poems concerning Vietnam and the war, “Camouflaging the Chimera”, by Komunyakaa, and “Vapor Trail Reflected in the Frog Pond”, by Kinnell.

What could be the theme of facing it?

“Facing it” by Yusef Komunyakaa deals with the themes of memory, war and survival. This poem, one of Komunyakaa’s most famous, depicts a veteran’s encounter with the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. Despite his resistance, the speaker becomes emotional at the stone wall, which is polished to a mirror.

What is the significance of the chimera?

Over time, the chimera came to symbolize evil–female evil in particular. In the medieval era, it was sometimes used to illustrate and support negative views of women, as seen in the Malleus Maleficarum (a treatise against witches).

What kind of poem is facing it?

Yusef Komunyakaa And A Summary of Facing It Facing It is a poem that deals with the personal angst of the speaker, a Vietnam veteran, who is visiting the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC. The black wall of the memorial evokes all kinds of war-torn images from the violent past which are full of agony and pain.

What type of poem is facing it?

‘Facing It’ by Yusef Komunyakaa is a 31 line poem that does not adhere to any particular rhyme scheme or strictly metered pattern. Komunyakaa has composed this poem by alternating between short choppy lines and longer, drawn out phrases. Both of these styles of writing utilize enjambment.

Who is the speaker in facing it?

“Facing It” Speaker The speaker of “Facing It” is a Black man who fought in the Vietnam War.