
What is another word for planet Earth?

What is another word for planet Earth?

What is another word for earth?

planet globe
world Earth
terra firma earthly sphere
terrestrial sphere sphere
universe orb

What is a Pogee?

1 : the point in the orbit of an object (such as a satellite) orbiting the earth that is at the greatest distance from the center of the earth also : the point farthest from a planet or a satellite (such as the moon) reached by an object orbiting it — compare perigee.

What is a word that means planet?

In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for planet, like: planet-s, celestial-body, planetoid, major-planet, satellite, wandering-star, globe, extrasolar planet inner planet outer planet, world, asteroid and moon.

What’s the meaning of kleptocracy?

Kleptocracy (from Greek κλέπτης kléptēs, “thief”, κλέπτω kléptō, “I steal”, and -κρατία -kratía from κράτος krátos, “power, rule”) is a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to appropriate the wealth of their nation, typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the …

What is inventiveness?

Definitions of inventiveness. the power of creative imagination. synonyms: cleverness, ingeniousness, ingenuity. types: imagination, resource, resourcefulness. the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems.

What is the meaning of apogee and perigee?

The moon’s distance from Earth varies throughout its monthly orbit because the moon’s orbit isn’t perfectly circular. Every month, the moon’s eccentric orbit carries it to apogee – its most distant point from Earth – and then, some two weeks later, to perigee – the moon’s closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit.

What are different names for planets?

Planetary Linguistics

Search Search in English Sun Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
English Sun Venus
Danish Solen Venus
Icelandic Sól Venus
Faroese Sól Venus

What did the word planet originally mean?

Five planets — Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were known to the ancients. Our word “planet” comes from the Greek word planetes, meaning “wanderer.”

What does it mean to be Imperceptive?

imperceptive. / (ˌɪmpəˈsɛptɪv) / adjective Also: impercipient (ˌɪmpə-ˈsɪpɪənt) lacking in perception; obtuse.

Are there any synonyms for the word planet?

apple. marble. orb. planetoid. heavenly body. luminous body. terrene. wandering star. See also synonyms for: planets.

How many words are related to the Earth?

There are 500 earth-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being planet, moon, sun, soil and ocean. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it.

What does it mean to terraform a planet?

Terraform means to change the environment of a planet to make it like Earth or at least make it able to support life like Earth does. The idea of terraforming a planet (or another celestial body, like a moon) so humans and other life forms could survive there was originally just the stuff of science fiction.

Which is the most Earth like planet in the universe?

Kepler-452b. This world, is the most Earth-like planet found so far. Its parent star is very similar to our sun, and the planet orbits in the habitable zone. At 1.6 times the size of Earth, Kepler-452b has a “better than even chance” of being rocky, its discoverers have said.