
What is another word for dealt?

What is another word for dealt?

In this page you can discover 53 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dealt, like: handled, contended, conducted, cared, allotted, grappled, managed, apportioned, shared, dispensed and lotted.

What does dealt mean?

Dealt is defined as something has been distributed. An example of dealt is all players in a poker game have been given their cards.

Will be dealt accordingly synonym?

Synonyms of accordingly consequently, ergo, hence, so, therefore, thereupon, thus, wherefore.

Is being dealt with meaning?

When you deal with something or someone that needs attention, you give your attention to them, and often solve a problem or make a decision concerning them. If you deal with an unpleasant emotion or an emotionally difficult situation, you recognize it, and remain calm and in control of yourself in spite of it.

How do you use dealt?

Dealt sentence example

  1. ‘ The whole question is well dealt with by F.
  2. The more Damian dealt with them, the less he wanted to deal with them again.
  3. You should not hunt until this Victor is dealt with.
  4. Darkyn dealt with her the same way he did everything else in his life.

Have dealt meaning?

(deal with something) to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem. The government must now deal with the problem of high unemployment. I spent the morning dealing with my emails. be best dealt with (=most effectively): This is a matter that would be best dealt with by the police.

What is the difference between deal and dealt?

As verbs the difference between deal and dealt is that deal is to distribute among a number of recipients, to give out as one’s portion or share while dealt is (deal).

Is delt a word?

Delt is a shortened version of the word deltoid, the triangle-shaped muscle in your shoulder that allows you to raise your arms to the sides. Delt is most often used in the plural (delts). The term is used informally by people who talk about muscles a lot, like fitness enthusiasts and athletic trainers.

Is Dealt a Scrabble word?

DEALT is a valid scrabble word.