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What is another way to say run smoothly?

What is another way to say run smoothly?

What is another word for running smoothly?

functioning well operating smoothly
running well working soundly
working well in fine shape
in great shape ticking over

What’s another word for smooth?

Some common synonyms of smooth are bland, diplomatic, politic, suave, and urbane. While all these words mean “pleasantly tactful and well-mannered,” smooth suggests often a deliberately assumed suavity.

What is the synonym for flow?

Some common synonyms of flow are arise, derive, emanate, issue, originate, proceed, rise, spring, and stem.

How do I make text flow?

Flow text from one text box to another

  1. Insert the text boxes that you will link and position them where you want them. Place all the content in the first text box.
  2. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Text group, click the Create Link button:
  3. Click the next text box.
  4. Choose the second text box, and then repeat the linking process as needed.

How do you describe the flow of a story?

Basically, flow involves how words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs are used and formed to make it easy for the reader to get from beginning to end. Good flow is created when you can seamlessly connect one sentence to another. It’s how you finish one idea and transition to another without interrupting the thought.

How do I make ideas flow in an essay?

Top Tips

  1. Remember: ONE paragraph, ONE idea!
  2. State the purpose of the paragraph clearly in the topic sentence.
  3. Make sure every subsequent sentence refers back to or reinforces the topic sentence.
  4. Avoid short, clipped sentences; use connecting words to build effective links.

What is flow in an essay?

“Flow” is a word often used by lecturers to describe the way that the essay holds together and moves from point to point. In an essay it is very easy to pile facts upon facts, and thus lose sight of the overall cohesion of the essay. Flow can apply within individual paragraphs and between different paragraphs.

What is logical flow?

What is logical flow? The writing skill of ‘logical flow’ can be defined as all the aspects of your writing that help the reader move smoothly from one sentence to the next, and one paragraph to another. So it is with the flow of your sentences.

What is logical order of ideas?

Logical division of ideas simply means that ideas are grouped together, and each group is discussed accordingly. They may be introduced in order of importance, or in some other order that makes sense to the reader. You would use transition words such as firstly, secondly, thirdly to introduce each group.

What is the order of a paragraph?

A basic paragraph structure usually consists of five sentences: the topic sentence, three supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. But the secrets to paragraph writing lay in four essential elements, which when used correctly, can make an okay paragraph into a great paragraph.

What is the difference between chronological and logical order?

To place things or events in chronological order means to place them in order of time. Logical order is in accordance with reason, sound thinking. Examples: The First World War, the 21st century and the Middle Ages are not in chronological order.

How do you determine chronological order?

Chronological order is the order in which the events occurred, from first to last. This is the easiest pattern to write and to follow. up with a broken arm.

What is a chronological text?

Chronological: These texts organize events in the order they happened. This structure is common in current events, history and in works of fiction or memoir. Key words include time markers like “first,” “next,” “then” and “finally.”


What is another way to say run smoothly?

What is another way to say run smoothly?

What is another word for running smoothly?

functioning well operating smoothly
running well working soundly
working well in fine shape
in great shape ticking over

How do you use smoothly in a sentence?

Use “smoothly” in a sentence | “smoothly” sentence examples

  1. The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake.
  2. The different components all have to interface smoothly.
  3. I want this shop to run as smoothly as possible.
  4. She says everything is going smoothly.
  5. Traffic is now flowing smoothly again.

What keeps things running smoothly through the body?

Water is vital to life, since the human body is more than 60% water. It keeps our bodies at a safe temperature, lubricates joints, removes waste from the body and maintains a healthy metabolism. We need to continuously rehydrate our bodies to keep things running smoothly.

Will run smoothly means?

to run smoothly: to work well, to develop without any problems, to go as planned. verb. smoothly means “easily”, “painlessly”, “without any problems”. The network is running smoothly now that Bob plugged in the modems.

Is more smoothly correct grammar?

You can say “more smooth”, or “smoother”. Both are fine and mean exactly the same thing. But beware of trying to combine them, and saying “more smoother”!

Can you say more smoothly?

Will go smooth or smoothly?

Smoothly is an adverb modifying a verb. Smooth is an adjective which modifies a noun. Example: a smooth surface. “I hope all goes smoothly.” would be right usage.

What is needed to make machinery of any kind run smoothly and easily?

To make that a little bit easier, here are a few machine maintenance tips to help you get started to keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.

  1. Inspect Regularly.
  2. Keep It Clean.
  3. Invest In High Quality.
  4. Stay on Schedule.
  5. Train and Retrain.
  6. Article by —

What does Fassle mean?

easy, facile, simple, light, effortless, smooth mean not demanding effort or involving difficulty. easy is applicable either to persons or things imposing tasks or to activity required by such tasks.

Can I say more smoothly?

What’s smoother than butter?

“Smooth as butter”, “smoother than butter”, “butter smooth”, et al is a common western phrase. It’s as old or older than the King James Bible itself (Psalms 55:21 if you’re curious). It’s a quintessential English idiom.

Is it most smooth or smoothest?

AdjectiveEdit The superlative form of smooth; most smooth.

What is a simile for smooth?

Lacking impediments or obstacles, unhindered, as in The negotiations went smooth as silk. This simile alludes to the slippery quality of silk. [c. 1900] Also see smooth sailing.

Is more smoothly correct?

2 Answers. You can say “more smooth”, or “smoother”. Both are fine and mean exactly the same thing. But beware of trying to combine them, and saying “more smoother”!

What methods would you use to diagnose a major equipment malfunction?

Here are the five basic steps to troubleshooting equipment breakdowns:

  • Verify a Problem Actually Exists. The troubleshooting process begins with symptom recognition.
  • Narrow Down the Problem’s Root Cause.
  • Correcting the Cause of the Problem.
  • Verify the Problem Is Corrected.
  • Prevent Future Issues By Following Up.

How can you prevent equipment failure?

Three steps to prevent equipment failure

  1. 1) Establish a maintenance schedule. When repairs and upkeep take place on machines at regular intervals, these efforts can significantly improve the equipment reliability of these systems.
  2. 2) Eliminate potential defects.
  3. 3) Utilize equipment monitoring.

What is a facile argument?

If you describe someone’s arguments or suggestions as facile, you are criticizing them because their ideas are too simple and indicate a lack of careful, intelligent thinking.

What does Failce mean?

adjective. moving, acting, working, proceeding, etc., with ease, sometimes with superficiality: facile fingers; a facile mind. easily done, performed, used, etc.: a facile victory; a facile method. easy or unconstrained, as manners or persons.