
What is an antonym for balance?

What is an antonym for balance?

Antonyms: instability, unbalance, imbalance. Synonyms: remainder, counterweight, proportion, symmetry, equaliser, residual, counterpoise, residuum, rest, counterbalance, residue, balance wheel, equilibrium, symmetricalness, equipoise, correspondence, equalizer, proportionality.

What is the difference between imbalance and disbalance?

Unbalanced is defined in the OED as not balanced or equably poised. unbalanced means something is not currently balanced and has never been IN balance; disbalanced indicates something which is not currently balanced but WAS in balance at some point.

What is an example of imbalance?

An imbalance occurs when you have too much of some things and too little of others. If you put so much pepper in your soup that you can’t taste the other spices, then you caused an imbalance in your flavoring. It’s easy to remember the meaning of imbalance when you break the word into parts.

What is a adjective for imbalance?

imbalanced. Experiencing an imbalance; out of balance.

What is correct imbalanced or unbalanced?

3 Answers. In common usage, imbalance is the noun meaning the state of being not balanced, while unbalance is the verb meaning to cause the loss of balance. In the context stated, the noun form should be used. Imbalance is what you want.

What is imbalanced dataset?

Any dataset with an unequal class distribution is technically imbalanced. However, a dataset is said to be imbalanced when there is a significant, or in some cases extreme, disproportion among the number of examples of each class of the problem….

What is unbalanced force?

forces: forces applied to an object in opposite directions that are not equal in size. Unbalanced forces result in a change in motion.

What is the verb for imbalance?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. : to put out of balance. unbalance.

What does in balance mean?

spending no more money in a budget (= financial plan) than is taken in during a particular period: We want to cut the budget to get it in balance by next year. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases….

What is the noun of ineligible?

ineligibility. The state or quality of being ineligible.

What’s another word for eligibility?

What is another word for eligibility?

admissibility appropriateness
fitness qualification
suitability worthiness
ability acceptability
capability competence

What is a Medicare Redetermination Notice?

Any party to the initial claim determination that is dissatisfied with the decision may request a redetermination. A redetermination is a review of the claim by Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) personnel not involved in the initial claim determination….

How do I protest unemployment in Michigan?

You can submit your protest online at sign into MILogin to access your MiWAM and upload documents. If you wish to protest in writing, complete Form UIA 1733, Protest of a Determination.