
What is a synonym for best interest at heart?

What is a synonym for best interest at heart?

best interest at heart synonym, best interest at heart definition | Thesaurus

  • 2 advantageous, apt, correct, golden, most desirable, most fitting, right.
  • 4 advantageously, attractively, excellently, most fortunately.
  • 6 choice, cream, crème de la crème, elite, favourite, finest, first, flower, pick, prime, top.

What is the antonym of interest?

Antonyms: bore, tire. Synonyms: sake, interest group, stake, affaire, affair, intimacy, interestingness, participation, involution, liaison, amour, pastime, pursuit, involvement, engagement.

What is the verb form of interesting?

interest. To engage the attention of; to awaken interest in; to excite emotion or passion in, in behalf of a person or thing. (obsolete, often impersonal) To be concerned with or engaged in; to affect; to concern; to excite.

How do you use the word interesting?

“We had an interesting conversation.” “The scientists made an interesting discovery.” “Skydiving was an interesting experience.” “There are many interesting people in the world.”

What does interesting mean in English?

adjective. engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity: an interesting book. arousing a feeling of interest: an interesting face.

What is the noun form of interest?

noun. /ˈɪntrəst/ , /ˈɪntrɛst/ wanting to know more. [singular, uncountable] interest (in somebody/something) the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn more about someone or something to feel/have/show/express (an) interest in something Do your parents take an interest in your friends?

What is an example of interest?

Interest is the cost of borrowing money, and an interest rate tells you how quickly those borrowing costs will accumulate over time. For example, if someone gives you a one-year loan with a 10% interest rate, you’d owe them $110 back after 12 months. Interest rates obviously work against you as a borrower.

What is the meaning of lack of interest?

English Language Learners Definition of disinterest : lack of interest. : the quality or state of not being influenced by personal feelings, opinions, or concerns.

What type of noun is personality?

1[countable, uncountable] the various aspects of a person’s character that combine to make them different from other people His wife has a strong personality.

What is the verb of personality?

personate. (transitive) To fraudulently portray another person; to impersonate. (transitive) To portray a character (as in a play); to act. (transitive) To attribute personal characteristics to something; to personify.

How would you describe personality disorder?

A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people.