
What is a straight edge person?

What is a straight edge person?

A straight edge person is someone who refrains from the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, other recreational drugs and occasionally the use of caffeine or chocolate. The "straight edge" mentality came up through music subculture, emerging in the 1980s.

What is meant by straightness?

Straightness actually has two very different functions in GD&T depending how it is called out. In its normal form or Surface Straightness, is a tolerance that controls the form of a line somewhere on the surface or the feature. Axis Straightness is a tolerance that controls how much curve is allowed in the part's axis.

Are straight edges vegan?

The term "straight edge" was eventually adopted by a subculture within the hardcore scene whose members pledged to abstain from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. … Veganism and vegetarianism have been adopted by many who are straight edge as another way to live clean.

How do you use a straight edge?

Constructions: The drawing of various shapes using only a pair of compasses and straightedge or ruler. No measurement of lengths or angles is allowed. The word construction in geometry has a very specific meaning: the drawing of geometric items such as lines and circles using only compasses and straightedge or ruler.