
What is a Sporange?

What is a Sporange?

(spə-răn′jē-əm) pl. spo·ran·gi·a (-jē-ə) A single-celled or many-celled structure in which spores are produced, especially in fungi, algae, mosses, and ferns. Also called spore case.

Is Nurple a real word?

(slang) The act of taking a person’s nipple between the thumb and forefinger and then twisting it around roughly.

What is chivalry in love?

What is chivalry in medieval times? Chivalry meant that a knight was loyal, courteous, protective, honorable and gentle. They sought love and glory, for his king and his lady. A few other traits were courage, being humble, obedient and chaste.

What is chivalry in dating?

The “chivalrous gentleman (or gentle lady)” is an individual who uses courtesy and thoughtfulness to demonstrate commitment, respect, compassion, and trust – not to score points or conceal their true intentions (i.e., wanting to have sex as soon as possible) in a new relationship.

What is a chivalrous act?

The word chivalrous originally described gallantry, valor, honor, and courtesy, associated with the medieval code of knighthood. Medieval knights are no longer with us, but chivalrous has survived in modern usage, usually to describe a man — or a behavior — showing courtesy or attentiveness toward women.

What are the six standards of the chivalric code?

The Code of Chivalry as a moral system went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of Chivalrous conduct. Knighthood idealized these qualities. They included bravery, courtesy, honor, valor, loyalty and gallantry toward women (the age-old ideal of a “Knight in Shining Armor”).

What is the female equivalent of chivalry?

Chivalry is “the code of the horse.” It is a code for mounted knights – warriors born into rich families – that somehow mutated over the centuries into a code of holding doors open for able-bodied women. There is no female equivalent.

What does chivalry mean in today’s world?

Dictionary. com’s definition: “the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.” Chivalry Today’s Definition: “In short, that’s what chivalry is — a choice. The choice to do the right things, for the right reasons, at the right times.”

What is the car door test?

The “door test,” explains gangster Sonny (Chazz Palminteri) to the kid as he prepares to go on a first date, is how you determine whether a girl is a keeper. But not a single date passed the door test, Waisman said, and he soon abandoned it as a measure of a girl’s character.