What is a sentence for whimsical?

What is a sentence for whimsical?

Whimsical in a Sentence Examples 3) Don’t blame my husband for forgetting simple things. He has always been a whimsical person. 4) The comedian has a whimsical sense of humor which has offended many people. 5) Her whimsical drawings remind of me of abstract art which doesn’t make much sense to me.

Is whimsical a word?

adjective. given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious: a pixyish, whimsical fellow.

Is idyllically a word?

Meaning of idyllically in English. in a way that is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or peaceful: They seem idyllically happy in their new house.

What is the word Cattywampus mean?

“Cattywampus” (1834) has held a variety of meanings and spellings, including as an adverb (catawampusly) meaning “completely/utterly/avidly,” a name for a fantastical imp-like creature or a mountain lion, and an adjective meaning “askew,” from obsolete “cater,” from the Greek prefix kata- (downward, toward), and …

What part of speech is bulwark?


part of speech: noun
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: bulwarks, bulwarking, bulwarked
definition: to provide protection with or as though with a bulwark. synonyms: rampart similar words: buttress, fortify, mound, reinforce

How do you use cache in a sentence?

Cache in a Sentence 🔉

  1. In preparation of the drought, the farmer has stored a sizeable cache of water tanks.
  2. The troops are looking for the former dictator’s cache of gold bars.
  3. When digging in the backyard, I discovered a cache of antique coins.
  4. Did the troops ever find the cache of nuclear weapons?

What is an example of cache?

Common types of caches include browser cache, disk cache, memory cache, and processor cache. Browser cache – Most web browsers cache webpage data by default. For example, when you visit a webpage, the browser may cache the HTML, images, and any CSS or JavaScript files referenced by the page.