
What is a lax attitude?

What is a lax attitude?

adjective, lax·er, lax·est. not strict or severe; careless or negligent: lax morals;a lax attitude toward discipline. loose or slack; not tense, rigid, or firm: a lax rope;a lax handshake. not rigidly exact or precise; vague: lax ideas. open, loose, or not retentive, as diarrheal bowels.

What does sojourned mean?

to stay as a temporary resident

What does sojourned mean in the Bible?

This Hebrew term and its translation convey the basic idea that a person (or group) is residing, either temporarily or permanently, in a community and place that is not primarily their own and is dependent on the “good-will” of that community for their continued existence.

What is overt and covert culture?

The overt culture was composed of the objective “company line” values and was characterized as “technoscience” culture, while the covert culture, characterized as reflexive science culture, was made up of deeper level motives or attitudes held implicitly at the personal level and that derive from the dynamics of the …

Which is an example of an overt element of culture?

For example, both speech and music I should class as elements of overt culture.

How does ideal culture differ from real culture?

Ideal culture includes the values and norms that a culture claims to have, while real culture includes the values and norms that are actually followed by a culture.

What does ideal culture mean?

Ideal culture is a concept within individual perceptions of culture and is comprised of the norms, values, and ethics that a culture claims to profess. The other component in cultural perception is real culture which is composed of the values, norms, and ethics that are actually followed by a society in reality.

What is an example of real culture?

Examples of real culture are opening presents on Christmas morning, gathering with friends for Super Bowl Sunday and voting in an election. Real culture reflects the actual norms, behaviors and everyday life of those within a society or organization.