What is a good hook for To Kill a Mockingbird?

What is a good hook for To Kill a Mockingbird?

A possible hook for your thesis could be a sentence that poses a question that makes racism relatable to everyone or that cites a fact about the shocking extent of unjust Black murder convictions in the South in the 1930s. The key idea is to excite the reader’s interest.

What is a good thesis statement for To Kill a Mockingbird?

Your final thesis statement, which you can use in the introduction to an essay, might read: Racism is the main theme explored in To Kill a Mockingbird; most of the people in town are racists, Tom is guaranteed to lose because he is a black man accused by a white woman, and racist language is used throughout the book.

What is the major theme of To Kill a Mockingbird?

The Coexistence of Good and Evil The most important theme of To Kill a Mockingbird is the book’s exploration of the moral nature of human beings—that is, whether people are essentially good or essentially evil.

What lesson does Dill learn in To Kill a Mockingbird?

One of the things Dill learns throughout the course of Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird is about the importance of a connected family. When Dill’s mother gets married, Dill feels left out. While his mother and step-father take care of him, they do not pay attention to him and Dill feels this absence in his life.

How does Scout View Jem in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In Chapter 4, Scout narrates, “Jem was a born hero” (21). She is referring to his courage in portraying Boo Radley and keeping their game secret from Atticus. This is the most direct statement of Scout’s admiration of her brother. Later, Jem would show much more courage in defending Scout from Mr.

How does Dill change in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The change Dill goes through in To Kill a Mockingbird shows that Dill is dynamic, and the change also makes Dill unhappy. This causes him to run away, which shows that Dill is a trouble-maker. All of this information clearly shows that Dill one of the most interesting characters in the book To Kill a Mockingbird.

Who is Miss Caroline in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Miss Caroline Fisher is Scout’s first grade teacher. She hails from Winston County and has a rough first day of school. Miss Caroline is portrayed as an attractive, young woman. She is an inexperienced teacher and struggles to maintain control of her students.

Why is Miss Caroline angry with Scout?

When Miss Caroline concludes that Atticus must have taught Scout to read, she becomes very displeased and makes Scout feel guilty for being educated. When Scout attempts to explain these circumstances, however, Miss Caroline fails to understand and grows so frustrated that she slaps Scout’s hand with a ruler.

Why is Miss Caroline a bad teacher?

She is a poor teacher, mostly because she is inexperienced. Miss Fisher is young, no more than 21, and she shows her inexperience in two main ways. First, she expresses unhappiness that Scout already knows how to read. She tells Scout to let Atticus know not to teach her anymore.

Why does Scout’s ability to read and write annoy her teacher Miss Caroline?

Why does Scout’s ability to read and write annoy her teacher, Miss Caroline? Scout’s ability to read and write frustrate her teacher because she doesn’t know what to do with her. Miss. Caroline expected to be teaching her class as a whole.

How does Scout learn to read and write?

Scout blames Calpurnia for teaching her to read and write: Scout learned to read by sitting in Atticus’s lap while he read in the evenings and following his moving finger while listening to him read. At some point, the “the lines above Atticus’s finger separated into words” (20).