What happened at end of Catching Fire?

What happened at end of Catching Fire?

The movie ends with Haymitch and Plutarch Heavensbee being able to get Katniss and Finnick out of the arena, but President Snow has Peeta and Johanna. Katniss is so angry because her plan the entire time was to die in the arena so that Peeta could get out alive.

What is going on in District 8 in Catching Fire?

District 8 was one of the districts that President Snow was concerned would rebel against Capitol rule. On the night when Peeta proposed to Katniss, District 8 rose up and fought against its Peacekeeping force. District 8 was this the first district to be released from Capitol rule.

What is the climax of catching fire?

Climax. The climax occurs when Johanna and Katniss take the coil down to the lake and Katniss jams the wire into the force field and it blows up.

What is the main idea of catching fire?

The main themes of Catching Fire include survival, sacrifice, and the conflict between interdependence and independence. As reviewer Margo Dill noted, “In [Catching Fire], Katniss and Peeta are definitely interdependent. They are both helping each other to survive.

What is the conflict of catching fire?

The main conflict of “Catching Fire” is definitely the fact that President Snow has threatened to kill Katniss, and all those she cares about. She is constantly thinking of it, and how she will deal with it. She wants to live, but must decide between her or Peeta living in the arena.

What happens in Catching Fire?

Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, and Mags form a group and head into the jungle where Katniss discovers that an electrical force field blocks part of the island and creates a dome over them. A dense fog descends on them and turns out to be a toxic nerve agent. They run from it, but their limbs begin to seize up.

What is the setting in Catching Fire?

The book Catching Fire takes place in a futuristic nation called Panem. She becomes a contestant in the 75th Hunger Games and this causes the story to change its setting as she is moved to the Capitol, and then to an arena where she will fight to stay alive.

Who survives in Catching Fire?

The plot of Catching Fire begins a few months after the previous installment; Katniss Everdeen and fellow District 12 tribute Peeta Mellark have returned home safely after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games.

Who is the antagonist in Catching Fire?

The primary antagonist in Catching Fire is President Snow, the leader of Panem. In the previous novel, Katniss outsmarted the Capitol’s Gamemakers and…

Is Effie Trinket good or bad?

She is not outright evil, but at the same time she is in no way altruistic. The actions of Katniss and Peeta reflect on her and so, like everyone else in the Capital she might want them to win, she is not exactly trying to keep them from fighting in the first place.

What is Katniss baby name?

Unnamed Son