What generates most of the ATP in cellular respiration?

What generates most of the ATP in cellular respiration?

oxidative phosphorylation

Which process produces the most ATP quizlet?

Oxidative phosphorylation produces more ATP has the electron carriers NADH and FADH2, which can supply more molecules of ATP . Since there are lots of both carriers, they can produce significantly larger amounts of ATP.

Which method of ATP production requires oxygen?

In aerobic respiration, oxygen is required. Oxygen as a high-energy molecule increases ATP production from 4 ATP molecules to about 30 ATP molecules. In anaerobic respiration, oxygen is not required. When oxygen is absent, the generation of ATP continues through fermentation.

What happens to the production of ATP if we increase the pH in the intermembrane space?

Since ATP cannot be formed, the energy from electron transport is lost as heat. The pH of the intermembrane space would increase, the pH gradient would decrease, and ATP synthesis would stop.

How does pH affect ATP synthesis?

Low pH increases the concentration of base causing mitochondria to pump out H+ to the inter membrane space leading to ATP production. The high external acid concentration causes an increase in H+ in the inter membrane space leading to increased ATP production by ATP synthetase.

Where does the H+ come from that makes ATP?

The electrons from from NADH and FADH2 flow through the electron transport chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane generating a H+ buildup in the inner membrane space. This proton gradient (gradient of H+) flowing through the membrane enzyme complex ATP synthetase is the direct energy source for producing ATP.

Where is pH lowest in mitochondria?

This means that the protons need to be pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane into the intermembrane space. This results in the intermembrane space having the lowest pH in the mitochondria, due to the high proton concentration.

What is the optimal pH for ATP production?

between 7.25 and 7.75

What produces ATP in mitochondria?

The ATP is produced in the mitochondria using energy stored in food. This ATP production by the mitochondria is done by the process of respiration, which in essence is the use of oxygen in a process which generates energy. This is a very efficient process for using food energy to make ATP.

What is the pH of the intermembrane space?

about 7.0

Is the intermembrane space acidic?

Protons diffuse rapidly, and many buffering compounds exist in the cytosol and the intermembrane space that maintain the pH, so the intermembrane space does not become very acidic. Protons being pumped out make the mitochondrial matrix more basic than the rest of the cell.

What is the most acidic part of the mitochondria?

inner membrane space

Where is the pH higher in the matrix or outside of it?

This movement of H+ has two major consequences: 1. It generates a pH gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, with the pH higher in the matrix than in the cytosol, where the pH is generally close to 7.

How does H+ affect ATP production?

The high external acid concentration causes an increase in H+ in the inter membrane space leading to increased ATP production by ATP synthetase. Mitochondrial production of ATP requires a concentration gradient of H+, with a high concentration at the inter membrane space and a low concentration in the matrix.

Would a human be able to live if all of their mitochondria were removed?

You can’t survive without mitochondria, the organelles that power most human cells. Mitochondria are the descendants of bacteria that settled down inside primordial eukaryotic cells, eventually becoming the power plants for their new hosts.

What molecules need to travel through ATP synthase to help it create ATP?

Explanation: ATP synthase is present in mitochondrial membrane when pass hydrogen ion in to lumen of mitochondria and due to proton gradient generate ATP molecule with pass of hydrogen ion into lumen ATP is formed from ADP and inorganic phosphorous molecule . Passing of three hydrogen io generate one ATP molecule .

What is the source of ATP synthesis?

The human body uses three types of molecules to yield the necessary energy to drive ATP synthesis: fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Mitochondria are the main site for ATP synthesis in mammals, although some ATP is also synthesized in the cytoplasm.

Does NADH have more energy than ATP?

NADH is another high energy molecule. (NAD has low energy, NADH has higher energy). NADH has many fewer uses in the cell than ATP. It is normally converted into ATP in the mitochondrial electron transport chain if oxygen is present.

How much does Nad treatment cost?

Generally speaking, you can expect to spend between $125 and $200 on any type of IV Therapy.

What supplements does Sinclair recommend?

David Sinclair’s Supplement Regimen: NMN, Resveratrol, Metformin, Vitamin D, Vitamin K and the Science of Longevity.