What element has 36 protons and 46 neutrons?

What element has 36 protons and 46 neutrons?

Name Krypton

What is Krypton’s atomic number?


Which element has the highest atomic mass?


What is the S block on the periodic table?

The s-block in the periodic table of elements occupies the alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, also known as groups 1 and 2. Helium is also part of the s block. The alkali metals include: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium.

Why does the P-block have 6 groups?

P-block elements are unified by the fact that their valence electrons (outermost electrons) are in the p orbital. The p orbital can hold a maximum of six electrons, hence why there are six columns in the p-block. Elements in column 3A, the first column of the p-block, have one valence electron.

Why is calcium an S block element?

S-block elements are the elements with valence electrons in the s orbital. Elements in column 1 (the alkali metals) always lose their one valence electron to form a +1 ion. Elements in column 2 (the alkaline earth metals) always lose their valence electrons to form +2 ions.

Why are S block elements soft?

S block elements are light metals, have low melting and boiling points, have the highest atomic radii in their times of corresporidation, and are strong heat and electricity conductors. These have low ionisation energy levels and are thus strongly electropositive.

What are the characteristics of S block element?

General Characteristics of s-block Elements They are soft metals, possess low melting and boiling points, have the largest atomic radii in their corresponding periods and are good conductors of heat and electricity. They have low values of ionisation energies and are hence highly electropositive.

What are the characteristics of S Block?

Properties of s-Block Elements – definition

  • They all are metals.
  • They have low ionization enthalpies.
  • They lose the outermost electron(s) to form cation.
  • Group 1 elements lose 1 electron while the group 2 elements loses 2 electrons.
  • Metallic character increases down the group.

Which is not s-block element?


Why S-block elements are highly reactive?

s-block elements have one or two electron in their outmost e shells, hence they become stable by giving up one electron easily (low ionization energy) to become singly charged positive ions, i.e. cations. Hence they are highly reactive and require vvery least amount of energy for their reactions.