
What does Wilfred symbolize in Lord of the Flies?

What does Wilfred symbolize in Lord of the Flies?

It’s a mark of the savagery of Jack’s tribe that the reason for Wilfred’s beating is apparently non-existent: it is simply random, cruel violence: ‘He’s [Wilfred’s] been’ – he [Robert] giggled excitedly – ‘he’s been tied for hours, waiting-‘ ‘But didn’t the Chief say why?’ ‘I never heard him. ‘

What happened to Wilfred in Lord of the Flies?

What happens to Wilfred? Wilfred is tied up and beaten for no reason by Jack. What does Wilfred’s beating tell about the situation in Jack’s tribe? Wilfred’s beating tells us that Jack’s tribe is based off of fear and violence.

How is Wilfred punished in Lord of the Flies?

In Chapter 10, Jack has Wilfred punished by having him tied up and left lying like that for hours. After that, he is beaten.

What is Jack planning to do to Wilfred?

Jack ties up and beats a boy named Wilfred and then warns the boys against Ralph and his small group, saying that they are a danger to the tribe. The entire tribe, including Jack, seems to believe that Simon really was the beast, and that the beast is capable of assuming any disguise.

What is the purpose of a stick sharpened at both ends?

The significance of the stick sharpened at both ends mentioned by Sam ‘n Eric is that Jack intends to put Ralph’s head on a stick. The fact that Ralph is carrying a stick sharpened at both ends at the end of the novel symbolises his complete descent into savagery.

Why is the fire at the end of the novel ironic?

Jack’s plan is to kill Ralph with the smoke from the fire. Instead of a sign used to attract attention, the fire thus becomes a danger to Ralph’s life. The fire ultimately saves the boys, but the irony is that the fire that Jack set to kill Ralph actually saved him from dying, as they got rescued.

Why did Jack want to kill Ralph?

Hover for more information. In the novel Lord of the Flies, Jack Merridew wants to kill Ralph in chapter 12 because he has undergone the same slow and gradual breakdown of civilization that has affected all of the boys.

What or who saves Ralph in the end?

What or who saves Ralph in the end? Fleeing from the fire, Jack, and his hunters, Ralph makes it to the beach, and is met by a naval officer. Jack and his hunters stop trying to attack Ralph when they see the officer, so that is what ultimately saves him.

What is the irony of the fire?

Fire now is a symbol of savagery and destruction – the opposite of civilization. The depth to which the boys have fallen is shocking. The saving grace of fire though is that the destructive blaze in the jungle ironically functions as an enormous signal fire, which a ship has seen.

What is ironic about the end of LOTF?

Much of the irony at the end of the novel stems from Golding’s portrayal of the naval officer. Although the naval officer saves Ralph, the ending of Lord of the Flies still is not particularly happy, and the moment in which the officer encounters the boys is not one of untainted joy.

Who started the fire that brings rescue?

Ironically, who starts the fire that brings rescue? a navy officer.

How did LOTF end?

In the final pages of Lord of the Flies , Ralph runs through the jungle fleeing both Jack and his pack of savage boys and the fire Jack set on the mountain. Ralph emerges onto the beach and is discovered by a British Naval officer who has come ashore after seeing the burning island from his ship.

Who kills Simon Lord of the Flies?

Simon is dead, killed by the other boys, and the next day only Ralph seems to feel any sense of responsibility or remorse for this act. While Simon’s death was an accident, Piggy’s was not. When Jack comes and steals Piggy’s glasses one night, Piggy has had enough.

Why is Piggy angry with Ralph?

Hover for more information. In chapter 1, Piggy confides in Ralph that his classmates used to make fun of him in school by calling him “Piggy.” Ralph responds by bursting into laughter and harassing Piggy about his unflattering nickname. Piggy then begs Ralph not to tell the others his embarrassing nickname.