What does Where are you located Meaning?

What does Where are you located Meaning?

It is asking for your location.

Where are you currently based meaning?

You’re based in the permanent place where you live now. The idea of being ‘based’ somewhere is used mainly by people who travel for their work. You might say that you are based in London, because that is where you live for most of the time and that’s where your family live and where your company’s Head Office is.

How do you ask someone’s location?

Ask to follow someone’s location

  1. Open the Find My app and select the People tab.
  2. Select the person you shared your location with.
  3. Scroll down and choose Ask To Follow Location, then select OK.

Where are you located at grammar?

Yes, it’s grammatically correct but potentially redundant. “Where are you” is implicitly referring to your location, unless you are clarifying that you mean it literally rather than figuratively you probably do not need “located”.

Is where are we at proper English?

“Where are you at?” is slang, at least in America, whereas “Where are you?” is the proper way to ask where one is. “Where are you at?” is incorrect, ending a sentence with a preposition is a most grievous sin!…

Which is correct Get marry or get married?

get married is correct. You may marry someone or you may get married to someone. To use “get married” however implies that this is something that is happening to you, while “to marry” implies that you have a more active role in this procedure.

Is married with with?

Originally Answered: Which is correct, married to or married with? Both are correct. When we use male name first, we say married with. When we use female name first, we say married to.

What is the best age to get married for a man?

But when it comes to the best age for men to recite their vows, Cullins says it’s 32. “Waiting until age 32 affords men an opportunity to get settled into a career and potentially pursue professional advancement before tying the knot,” says Cullins.