What does taking pipe mean?

What does taking pipe mean?

euphemism To kill oneself. A reference to the practice of putting one’s head in an oven without a pilot light and turning the gas on, resulting in asphyxiation. I only found out recently that Tom’s dad died many years ago by taking the gas pipe.

What does it mean to pipe someone up?

To interrupt someone when they are talking. interrupt.

Where did the expression pipe down come from?

The origin of the expression ‘pipe down’ is nautical. Whistled signals are given to crews via a boatswain’s pipe, with one of those signals meaning “time to go below decks and retire for the evening,” or “be quiet as it’s time for bed.” This has been used since the late 16th century.

What can I use instead of a piping bag?

The Best way to Frost Cupcakes– use a Ziploc bag to make a piping bag! You don’t need fancy icing pastry bags to make pretty cupcakes. Frosting your cupcake with a homemade piping bag can be accomplished with materials you already have in your kitchen– a Ziploc bag and Duck tape!

How do you pipe a perfect swirl?

Cupcake 1 – The classic swirl, using the large closed star nozzle. Starting from the outside of the cupcake, pipe inwards, slightly overlapping each time you go round the cupcake. To finish the swirl stop squeezing then gently lift up your bag. You can also use the closed star tip to get a tighter, smaller swirl.

Can I use a Ziploc bag as a piping bag?

The answer is YES! You need a gallon-size Ziploc bag, duct tape and scissors. Simply fold the lower/bottom corner of the bag up to the opposite corner of the top of the bag and secure the line with duct tape. Once you’ve done this step, you can fill the bag with frosting.

How do I make frosting without a piping bag?

Piping tips are sometimes hard to get (although Amazon now makes it easy to find a nice, affordable set), and oftentimes inconvenient to use….To get that nice frosting on the cupcake without a tip, you can use one of four methods:

  1. Use a Ziplock bag.
  2. Use a knife.
  3. Dip the cupcake.
  4. Use a cookie dough scooper.

How do you know when cupcakes are ready?

Stick a toothpick into a cupcake. If it comes out dry, the cupcake is done. If it is still wet, return the cupcake tin to the oven for another five minutes and test again. The second way to tell is simply to touch a cupcake and see if it springs back.