
What does shanty mean?

What does shanty mean?

plural shanties. Definition of shanty (Entry 2 of 2) : a small crudely built dwelling or shelter usually of wood.

What does the term lace curtain Irish mean?

The “lace curtain Irish” were those who were well off, while the “shanty Irish” were the poor, who were presumed to live in shanties, or roughly-built cabins. As lace curtains became commonplace in Irish-American working-class homes, “lace curtain” was still used in a metaphorical, and often pejorative, sense.

Why do sea shanties sound Irish?

Most sea shanties have their origins in Britain or Portugal. The closest you might get to some sort of seafaring type of theme in Irish music is the particular rythym of the instrumental tunes known as “hornpipes”, as their rythym mimics the sway of the sea.

Why are sea shanties so popular now?

Sea shanties’ catchy rhythms and easy-to-sing-along lyrics got sailors through difficult times, and now they’re doing the same for a new generation. They provide a feeling of community, and that’s something we could all use right now.

Is Wellerman a real sea shanty?

The Longest Johns version The version of the song recorded by British folk group the Longest Johns (under the name “Wellerman”) went viral on the social media site TikTok in 2020, where it was popularized as a sea shanty despite being more accurately described as a ballad.

Do sailors still sing shanties?

In the modern Navy, no. There is no need. The old shanties were a singing device to help with the rhythm of doing the manual labor on the old sailing ships, labor that has long been replaced by modern technology. Singing shanties went away a long time ago.

What key are sea shanties in?

Also, more often than not they’re written in 6/8 or 2/4. Triplets lend themselves well to shanties. Usually they’re based in either major, minor, or dorian – heavily tonic based.

What time signature are sea shanties in?

Most shanties come in 4/4 time, an easy beat to keep track of, or sometimes the more typically Irish-Scottish folk song time of 6/8, which lends itself well to storytelling and seems to mirror the up-and-down movement of waves.

Does the US Navy sing sea shanties?

In the modern Navy shanties are only sung jokingly or by old salts trying to impress the new kids. In boot camp, recruits would sing Jody’s. Most of these were adapted from the Army.

How did sailors use sea shanties?

Sea shanties were work songs, devised to accompany particular actions or tasks on board ship. They could help keep time among groups of sailors, coordinate physical movements like hauling ropes and raising sails, and relieve the boredom of long, repetitive tasks.

What were the three types of sea shanty?

There were three principal types of shanties: short-haul, or short-drag, shanties, which were simple songs sung when only a few pulls were needed; halyard shanties, for jobs such as hoisting sail, in which a pull-and-relax rhythm was required (e.g., “Blow the Man Down”); and windlass, or capstan, shanties, which …

What were sea shanties typically about?

Sea shanties were work songs or chants sung by the crew of sailing ships to help co-ordinate their efforts as they hauled on the halyards or tramped around the capstan to raise the anchor. In the 19th century shanties were commonly heard aboard vessels sailing to and from New Zealand and around the coast.

Where did sea shanties originate from?

The origins of the traditional Sailors’ Sea Shanty have been lost in the midst of time. Traceable from at least the mid-1400s, the shanty hails from the days of the old merchant ‘tall’ sailing ships.

Are sea shanties Celtic?

A sea shanty isn’t any old nautical number: shanties are a specific type of work song dating to the 19th century merchant navy, divided by rhythm into groups, depending on the type of work being done. And there’s good reason to believe they are heavily influenced by Irish musical tradition.

What are the best sea shanties?

Best Sea Shanties

  • 1.) Soon May The Wellerman Come by Nathan Evans.
  • 2.) Roll the Old Chariot.
  • 3.) You Can’t Hold A Good Man Down by The Pirateers.
  • 4.) Leave Her Johnny by Johnny Collins.
  • 5.) The Kittyman Sea Shanty by the Trailer Park Boys.
  • 6.) Drunken Sailor – Mashup.
  • 7.) The Scotsman Kilt by Nathan Evans.

What is the Year of the Sea Shanty?


How was the sea shanty Meme made?

Nathan Evans, a postman from Scotland, started the Sea Shanty trend when he took to TikTok to film himself singing a series of famous Sea Shanties. It all started back in July 2020 when he uploaded a video to his TikTok where he sang a famous Sea Shanty called ‘Leave her Johnny’.